Page 6 - SA Chamber UK MONTHLY NEWSLETTER - March 2024
P. 6




             - By David White CEO DRG Group

            The SA Chamber UK has joined
            forces  with  BusinessFit  SA,  The
            Africa  Marketing  Initiative  (TAMI),
            Growth Gateway, Commonwealth
            Entrepreneurs Club (CEC), and
            a number of quasi government

            organisations  to help  support
            the development of business
            ecosystems that encourage cross
            border  trade.    This  support  is
            aimed at SMEs to enable them to
            trade effectively between SA and
            the UK.

            The SA Chamber UK has over time built significant relationships with government and
            private sector organisations in both the UK and in SA that encourage and support the
            growth of SME trade between SA and the UK, and vice versa.

            The collaboration between the SA Chamber UK, BusinessFit SA, TAMI, CEC, and Growth
            Gateway is intended to significantly fast track effective trade, and to impact SME confidence
            and opportunity.

            BusinessFit SA
            BusinessFit SA is a private sector organisation, assisting SMEs (and larger organisations)
            to  prepare  themselves  for  cross-border  trade.    It  is  simply  not  possible  for  most
            organisations  considering  trading  internationally  to  identify  trading  opportunities,
            engage  with  appropriate  support  partners,  understand  local  licensing,  administrative

            and reporting requirements, and meet local statutory and compliance obligations.

            The BusinessFit SA service follows a 5 Stage Quality Assurance process which helps business
            leaders  build solid governance  centred  frameworks  for  their  organisations,  creating  a
            common language for the business which defines ‘what makes the organisation work’, and
            detailing how individuals and teams contribute individually and collectively towards ensuring

            that the organisation meets it operational measures and stakeholder expectations.


                                                          SA CHAMBER UK NEWSLETTER MARCH 2024
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