Page 8 - SA Chamber UK MONTHLY NEWSLETTER - March 2024
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organisations to link with international businesses for collaboration and business
            development purposes.

            TAMI creates direct links to public sector organisations such as the SA Revenue Service;
            Department  of  Employment  and  Labour;  Department  of  Home  Affairs,  Department  of
            Trade, Competition, and Industry; Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal; Invest Durban;
            KwaZulu-Natal Business Chambers Council; and SA Chamber UK, making inbound trade
            into SA many times easier than it has been in the past.

            Two Considerations
            Our  research  and  deliberations  with  government  officials,  captains  of  industry,  and

            entrepreneurs themselves, taught us that two considerations are more important than
            the multitude of responsibilities and requirements SMEs need to have in place to meet
            their survival and expansion  expectations.   These  considerations are  networking and
            access to intelligence to trade in new markets, and following a defined governance and
            sustainability framework.

            Access to funding is also a key component, but interestingly there was more focus from
            SME leaders to gain access to understanding key aspects of markets as the products
            and services countries import and export, and to have conversations with professional
            service specialists in countries of interest.  In this regard South Africa and the United
            Kingdom created landing portals, where SMEs and larger organisations can access in
            country information.

            The  collaboration  between  the  SA  Chamber  UK,  BusinessFit  SA,  Growth  Gateway,  and
            CEC is for the purpose of supporting an effective business ecosystem that benefits both
            international and local South African business leaders in their ambitions to create thriving
            and sustainable organisations.

            We encourage South African organisations to visit the TAMI portal, to register on the
            site as TAMI Circle Members, and to become part of a well networked organisation,
            focused on delivering exceptional business content, providing access to networks and
            opportunities locally and abroad, and where applicable, to provide direct introductions
            to help improve local and international trade effectiveness.

            We welcome all SMEs and businesses wishing to take advantage of this collaborative business
            development platform – and to register as a TAMI Circle member on

                                                Tel: +27 (0)31 767 0625



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