Page 3 - SACC UK- DECEMBER- Chairmans Christmas Message from The Chamber
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            The Board increased to accommodate the various Board Committees and support
            work  they  give  to  the  small  management  team  who  make  the  wheels  go  round.
            This structure is robust and delivers true value to the SA Chamber UK, improving

            monthly as the Directors learn more about the business.

             GALA DINNER

             For  the  second  year  in  a  row,  the  SA  Chamber  UK  held  its  annual  Gala  Dinner  at
             Mansion  House,  in  March.  It  was  a  significant  event,  presided  over  by  a  past  Lord

             Mayor and the future Lord Mayor. Our headline sponsor was Finance IOM who have
             again joined us in 2024 as headline sponsors.

             Minister Kubayi attended on behalf of the South African government and shared deep

             insights into the workings and thoughts in the ANC in the round table event held the
             next day at South Africa House.

             The Gala Dinner for 2024 is on the 19th of June, at Mansion House again, and for the
             first time, we shall be hosted by the Lord Mayor himself, in his home. This will be a
             memorable event, not to be missed and tickets will be available from January.


                                                SA CHAMBER UK CHAIRMAN’S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 2023
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