Page 5 - SACC UK- DECEMBER- Chairmans Christmas Message from The Chamber
P. 5


            The  Summer  Drinks  were  interactive  and
            enjoyable this year, on the rooftop terrace of
            Investec’s offices in the City of London, great
            views,  plenty  wine  and  biltong,  all  blessed
            with a warm evening.

            We  combined  the  drinks  with  a  couple  of
            presentations from members, SA UK Trust
            and  Nutun  CX,  with  the  keynote  from  our
            true friend, Antony Phillipson, the UK  High
            Commissioner to South Africa.

            From  what  I  hear,  the  networking  was  on
            steroids  and  business  was  secured,  new
            friendships forged and greater connections
            into the two governments fostered.


                                                SA CHAMBER UK CHAIRMAN’S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 2023
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