Page 9 - SACC UK- DECEMBER- Chairmans Christmas Message from The Chamber
P. 9


            The SA Chamber UK has big lights in its sights, in the likeness of developing different and
            diversified revenue streams, increasing membership with the required management support
            being brought in.

            Based on a sound foundation of bespoke member offerings, we shall drive ongoing growth in

            our membership.

            We have good contacts into the SA Government and in this the 30th year of democracy, we
            shall work with the SA High Commission in London to bring interesting events to fruition ranging
            from cultural to business.

            Through our contacts into SA and UK governments, into the City of London and business in
            both countries, we shall focus on events of high value, related interest and fun – we are allowed
            some of that, and a smile, now and then!!

            We shall be sending out a survey in the first quarter of the year, please engage and send us your
            thoughts as it does help us ensure we are relevant to all members, and future members.

             CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR

            Now that we are wrapping, opening, boxing through the festivities of Christmas, I wish you a
            wonderful, happy and regenerative time with family, friends and other loved ones.

            Then follows the ‘party’ to sing in the New Year.  It will hopefully be an awesome year, but I do

            note a general reluctance to say so, given how wrong we have been the last four years.

            On Wednesday, 20th December, many members from the Advisory Board, Board, Exco, Patron
            and Platinum Members met up for champagne and networking. Juliet and I found the Tattinger
            Christmas Tree in the Champagne Bar at the IoD very creative and apt for the location.

            I challenge us all to make an effort, to take advantage of every opportunity we can, to make our
            lives and businesses more resilient, stronger, sustainable and ourselves, happier.

            Enjoy the time to recharge.

             Connect with me on LinkedIn
                                                                              H APPY  N E W  YE AR


                                                SA CHAMBER UK CHAIRMAN’S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 2023
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