Page 10 - SACC UK- DECEMBER- Chairmans Christmas Message from The Chamber
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The loyalty programme for the SA Chamber
UK has just gained a massive beneficial
offering for individual members.
Our loyalty programme is focused on
bringing you or your company tangible
benefits and savings. We have Signiflow,
which is a package of services, governance,
tracking and signature management.
This offering is more encompassing
than its well-known competitor and can
be sourced through the Chamber at a
significant further discount.
You can eat more for less buying your
traditional South African products through
the Chamber.
Latest Loyalty:
We are focusing on health and well-being and bringing members an ability to get
necessary health assessments at discounts of up to 20%.
The first released in this theme is ‘Mole Mapping’. Available to members who can visit
the clinic in London.
We are all in the sun and elements more than our skin is designed to receive. Some
are prone to innocent moles – but do they remain innocent? How is the one you
cannot see changing?
The mole mapping machine, which I experienced this week, images the body for moles and
does deep dive assessments on troublesome areas. This is great for early diagnosis, which
is the best solution and provides a benchmark for future checks or changes developing.