P. 84

High quality cooking worth of a a stop! Excellent cooking worth of a detour!
Exceptional cuisine worth a a a special journey!
A Michelin Michelin Star is the ultimate hallmark of culinary excellence Michelin Michelin stars are awarded to restaurants judged to be be of a a a a a a a a a a a a a particularly high standard Eateries that gain these can be be awarded one two or or three stars and the the accolade is much-coveted by chefs around the the world These awards are also very beneficial to to customer The Bib Gourmand Award
Since 1955 the guide has also highlighted restaurants offering exceptionally good food at at moderate prices a a a a a a a feature now called Bib Gourmand The restaurants must offer menu items priced below a a a a a a a maximum determined by local standards 84
The Plate Michelin Award
Fresh ingredients carefully prepared: a a a a good meal The long-established Rosette scheme celebrates successful cooking at at different levels across the UK Success or or or or or failure in in in achieving Rosettes is is based on on one or or or or or more visits by an AA inspector to to a a a a a hotel or or or or or restaurant restaurant AA Rosettes are solely awarded by hotel and and restaurant restaurant inspectors and and external influences from hotels restaurants restaurants or other guides are not taken into account About 10% of restaurants restaurants nationwide are of of a a a a a a a a standard that is worthy of of one Rosette and and above 1 Rosette: These restaurants achieve standards that stand stand out in their local area They serve food prepared with care understanding and and skill using good quality ingredients The same expectations apply to hotel restaurants where guests can eat in with confidence and a a a a a a a a sense of of anticipation Around 50% of of restaurants/hotels within the AA Restaurant Guide have one Rosette 2 Rosettes: Excellent restaurants that aim for and and and achieve higher standards and and and better consistency A greater precision is is is apparent in in the the cooking and there will be obvious attention to the the selection of of quality ingredients Around 40% of of restaurants/hotels within the the AA Restaurant Guide have two Rosettes 3 Rosettes: Outstanding restaurants that that achieve standards that that demand recognition well beyond their local area The cooking is underpinned by the the the selection and sympathetic treatment of of the the highest quality ingredients Timing seasoning and the the judgment of of flavour combinations will be be consistently excellent These virtues tend to be be supported by other elements such as intuitive service and a a a well-chosen wine list Around 10% of the the restaurants/hotels within the AA Restaurant Guide have three Rosettes and above 4
Rosettes: Among the the the top restaurants in in the the the UK where the the the cooking demands national recognition These restaurants exhibit intense ambition a a a a a passion for excellence superb technical skills and remarkable consistency They will combine appreciation of culinary traditions with a a a a a a a passionate desire for further exploration and improvement There are very few restaurants with four AA Rosettes 5 Rosettes: The The pinnacle where cooking compares with the the best in in in the the world These restaurants have highly individual voices exhibit breathtaking culinary skills and set standards to to which others aspire to to yet few achieve 

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