Page 135 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 135


         Deadly modus                THE ANATOMY OF HATE                           days and nights during the
                                                                                   2002 anti-Muslim riots
         operandi                    Revati Laul                                   in Gujarat. Snared in a

                                     WESTLAND BOOKS                                sting operation by Ashish
                                     Rs.1,499                                      Khetan of Tehelka, who
            N RECENT YEARS,          Pages 220                                     goaded him into boasting
            there has been an                                                      about his barbarism, he is
         Iincreasing tendency of                                                   sentenced to 31 years of
         enraged vigilante groups                                                  imprisonment. However,
         running amok, creating   people who crowd-funded                          many of his more discreet
         havoc and mayhem in civic   this study contributing   The author has      accomplices escaped the
         society. Under the protec-  Rs.9.6 lakh within 15 days,   chosen to study   arm of the law through
         tion and cover of powerful   because they believed this   three individuals   protection of the then gov-
         politicians, safety of num-  book needed to be written   who swiftly meld into   ernment machinery.
         bers, and official complic-  — and read.          mobs, to understand       The dominant theme
         ity, horrific crimes have   Pranav — a pseudonym   the circumstances      of this landmark book
         been perpetrated country-  — is a college-going Brah-  and motivations that   is the careful selection
         wide by lynch mobs.      min youth, with no specific   make them ready    by sangh parivar activ-
           Independent journal-   ideology, who is swept into   tools of politicians   ists of disenfranchised
         ist, film maker, and social   the riots, witnesses the   and revivalists  youths, their nurtur-
         reformer, Revati Laul has   mayhem and together with                      ance and indoctrination
         bravely investigated the   some college mates, seizes                     to arouse mobs against
         identities of individuals   opportunities to loot up-  of the sangh parivar (RSS   Muslim communities. Laul
         who quickly band into    market department stores.   family) because of his   maintains a sharp focus
         riotous mobs indulging in   After graduating and   extraordinary ability to   on these actors to provide
         loot, arson and worse.   job hunting, he finds   arouse and inflame mobs,   insights into their minds
           Using the Gujarat riots   himself working in an   charging them up with   and the compulsions that
         of 2002 as the backdrop   NGO engaged in reha-   unlimited quantities of   drive them. She deliber-
         canvas, Laul has chosen   bilitation of the victims   illegally brewed country   ately avoids detailing the
         to study the personalities   of communal riots, and   liquor made available by   horrific incidents of the
         of some individuals who   comes face-to-face with   the parivar in the “dry”   pogrom, as according to
         swiftly meld into mobs, to   those whom his orthodox   state of BJP ruled Gujarat.   her, enough and more has
         understand the “belly of   Hindu culture had taught   Under the protection of   been written — and buried
         the beast” and the circum-  to hate. It took Laul ten   the parivar, his rise is me-  — about it.
         stances and motivations   years of interaction to   teoric and he is currently a   Perhaps the only
         that make them ready     get Pranav to detail the   political leader.     lacuna in this painstak-
         tools of politicians, revival-  mental trauma he suffered   Suresh ‘Langdo’ is from   ingly researched book is
         ists and criminal elements.  because of contradictions   the Chahar community   that it doesn’t describe the
           Laul has selected three   between his Hindu up-  which has a historical tra-  step-by-step indoctrina-
         individuals — Pranav,    bringing and his remorse   dition of thievery, violence   tion of innocent youth by
         Dungar and Suresh —      for atrocities inflicted on   and lawlessness. Stricken   well-trained RSS pracha-
         from differing social and   Muslim neighbours during   by polio at a young age, he   raks into enraged anti-
         cultural backgrounds to   the 2002 riots in Gujarat.  compensated his handicap   Muslim fanatics ready to
         investigate this phenom-   Dungar — also a pseud-  by persistent body build-  commit inhuman atroci-
         enon. Over 14 years of   onym — is a Bhil tribal,   ing to transform into the   ties against them, many
         interviews and research,   member of a community   neighbourhood bully. He   of them neighbours they
         battling threats and troll-  isolated by the accident of   marries, loves, tortures   have grown up with. Re-
         ing, and support through   birth, who can’t see a way   and brutalises Farzana, a   ports from other sources
         financial crises by angel   out of poverty, struggle   Muslim woman, whom he   indicate that the modus
         investors, she has com-  and menial existence.   disguises as a Hindu.    operandi is to narrate a
         piled this path-breaking   In the RSS, he discerns   Incited by a woman   distorted history of alleged
         anatomy of pliable foot   a passport to upward   MLA, he joins mobs that   Muslim atrocities against
         soldiers of hate mongers.   mobility. By participat-  slaughtered, raped, looted   Hindus stretching back
         She expresses special    ing in their satsanghs he   Muslims in Naroda-Patiya,   centuries, and to illustrate
         gratitude to 105 unknown   rises rapidly up the ranks   Ahmedabad, for three   that nothing has changed.

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