Page 138 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 138


         Better be close                                  Court ordered enquiry into this matter which Adani has
                                                          welcomed, because quite obviously he is the victim rather
                                                          than the villain of this staged drama.
               SPIRING PRIME MINISTER RAHUL GANDHI           Now that the dust has settled, who are the real losers
               often asks why business tycoon Gautam Adani is   in the panic created by this report generated by the rag-
         Aso “close” to prime minister Narendra Modi. A bet-  tag-and-bobtail Hindenburg outfit? Certainly not Adani
         ter question would be: can any industrialist or business-  who is still in the global Top 20 rich list and is unlikely
         man afford not to be on the right side of any politician,   to have been reduced to a chapatis and water menu. Nor
         especially the prime minister.                   Hindenburg or their employers who have benefitted
           The plain truth is Rahul’s great grandfather Jawaharlal   mightily. The real losers are millions of bona fide inves-
         Nehru, a professed historian, overlooked the reality of   tors and unemployed youth countrywide.
         ancient India’s sound tradition of private enterprise for   Following RaGa’s naive discovery that Adani is an arch
         over five millennia which had transformed this subcon-  villain — and nobody including the prime minister — is
         tinent into the world’s wealthiest region contributing 20   ready to speak up for him, this go-getting tycoon has
         percent of global annual income right until the mid-18th   abandoned or delayed his infrastructure expansion plans
         century. He imposed “a socialistic pattern of society”   in India and is busy building ports and infrastructure
         upon newly independent India and strangled private en-  abroad. That won’t bother RaGa. Despite never having
         terprise. Following Rahul’s great grandfather, his granny   earned a degree, held a job or taken a business risk, he’s
         and daddy who succeeded each other as prime minister   doing alright. According to the Association for Democrat-
         with monotonous regularity, continued to ram licence-  ic Reforms which keeps track, RaGa has assets and wealth
         control-permit legislation through obliging parliaments,   valued at Rs.16 crore.
         smothering private enterprise while decreeing promotion
         of hundreds of Soviet-style public sector enterprises.
           According to a 2021 research study conducted by the   Musical chairs
         Observer Research Foundation and TeamLease Ltd,
         private companies in India are subject to 1,536 laws, of   MERRY GAME OF MUSICAL CHAIRS IS BE-
         which 678 are enacted by the Union government and      ING played in the country’s top-ranked schools.
         858 by state governments. Within these laws private   A In wake of the belated liberalisation of Indian
         enterprises are subject to 69,233 ‘compliances’, of which   education, including the K-12 sector, global multinational
         43,966 are mandated by state governments and 25,537 by   school chains entering the moribund education sector
         the Centre. That’s not all. 20,805 ‘compliance clauses’ in   and greenfield schools springing up everyday, principals/
         state legislation and 5,230 decreed by the Centre mandate   headmasters and well-qualified, competent subject teach-
         jail sentences ranging from three months to 10 years for   ers have become hot property. Therefore, the scramble
         non-compliance. All this despite liberalisation of industry   for best principals and teachers, often with remuneration
         in 1991. That’s why it makes good sense for anyone aspir-  packages which are stupendous by K-12 standards, hith-
         ing to establish large scale, world-class companies to be   erto a low-wage island.
         close to the prime minister and other worthies.     Yet perhaps the most beneficial impact of the
           Meanwhile according to a front page headline in the   liberalisation of K-12 education has been the emergence
         highly-respected Chennai-based daily The Hindu (Febru-  and evolution of high-performing professional principals
         ary 10) 225,000 businessmen and professionals re-  and teachers who are demanding — and getting — the
         nounced their Indian citizenship and fled abroad in 2022.   remuneration and respect they deserve. Skand Bali had
         Last productive citizen leaving, switch off the lights. The   moved in 2021 from the top-ranked Hyderabad Public
         electricity may restart.                         School, Begumpet to the greenfield Adani International
                                                          School, Ahmedabad, lured by a reportedly unprecedented
         Who’s the loser?                                 remuneration package. But reported ‘disrespect’ by Dr.
                                                          Priti Adani prompted him to put in his papers last month
                                                          and revert to HPS, Begumpet, which was experiencing
               ARDLY TWO MONTHS HAVE ELAPSED SINCE        a corner office vacancy following the resignation of
               the Hindenburg Report of a shady outfit of   principal Madhav Saraswat lured away by the top-ranked
         Hconfessed short-sellers with no fixed address and   Good Shepherd International School, Ooty.
         five ‘researchers’ on their payroll, wiped out a staggering   Earlier Saraswat had been poached from the Scindia
         Rs.9 lakh crore of the market value of Ahmedabad-based   School, Gwalior which under his watch for the first
         coal, ports, green energy, grain silos and airports tycoon   time bested the perennially first-ranked Doon School,
         Gautam Adani on the Indian stock market. But suddenly   Dehradun in the category of boys boarding schools in
         the country’s market pundits and investigative journalism   2020-21. Likewise Trilok Singh Bisht, for years principal
         stars have gone silent on the issue of who is/was Hinden-  of the top-ranked Jodhamal School, Jammu, who had
         burg, and who were the real short-sellers behind their   been poached by DPS, Vasundhra with a huge pay
         damning motivated report.                        package, quit for alleged disrespect and has signed up
           By now the latter must have delivered their Adani   with the consistently Top 10 rated Blue Bells, Gurgaon.
         Group shares parked two months ago, paid off        This is all for the good. It’s high time professional
         Hindenburg and are no doubt partying with their ill   principals rather than promoters, began to call the shots
         gotten gains. Despite official indignation, there is no SEBI   in the country’s premier schools. It’s a signal for the
         investigation and little is being heard about the Supreme   entire K-12 education sector.

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