Page 76 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 76

Cover Story



         It’s pertinent to note that India’s 657 government including      makes it easier for school-leaving
         235 Central and 422 state government universities educate         students and graduates to select
                                                                           government universities (whose
         73.1 percent of the total 41.3 million students in higher         tuition fees tend to be substantially
         education                                                         lower) best suited to their aptitude
                                                                           and academic aspirations.
                                                                             To conduct the EW India Govern-
                                                                           ment University Rankings 2023-24,
                                                                           we commissioned the highly-reputed
                                                                           Delhi-based market research and
                                                                           opinion polls company Centre for
                                                                           Forecasting & Research Pvt. Ltd
                                                                           (C fore, estb.2000) to interview
                                                                           4,223 sample respondents compris-
                                                                           ing 2,147 faculty, 1,210 final year
                                                                           students of 162 universities, and 766
                                                                           industry representatives in 25 cities
                                                                             These respondents were persuad-
                                                                           ed to award government universi-
                                                                           ties of whom they have sufficient
                                                                           knowledge, scores of 1-300 on ten
                                                                           parameters of higher education
                                                                           excellence, viz, faculty competence,
                                                                           faculty welfare and development,
                                                                           research and innovation, curriculum
         UoM's Pro VC Prof. Ajay Bhambre (centre right): commitment proof  and pedagogy (digital readiness),
                                                                           industry interface, placements,
                lthough India’s fast mul-  and ranked only private universities,   infrastructure, internationalism,
                tiplying new genre private   was expanded to also rank the best   leadership/governance and range
         Auniversities constitute the     reputed Central and state govern-  and diversity of study programmes.
         glamour section of the annual Edu-  ment varsities inter se. Last year,   Higher weightage is given to the
         cationWorld India Higher Education   in keeping with our commitment to   critical parameters of faculty compe-
         Rankings (EWIHER), government    continuously improve and refine our   tence (150), research and innovation
         varsities continue to be the domi-  ranking surveys, the broad cat-  (300) and infrastructure (150).
         nant force in higher education. Of   egory of government (and private)   Within the broad category of
         the country’s 1,113 universities,   universities was further sub-divided   government varsities, higher educa-
         657 are government-promoted (cf.   according to subject specialisations.   tion institutions (HEIs) offering
         446 in the private sector), accord-  In EWIHER 2023-24, govern-   multidisciplinary programmes are
         ing to the latest All India Survey of   ment universities are ranked in nine   more popular with students as they
         Higher Education 2020-21 (AISHE).   separate categories — multidisci-  provide a wide range of study pro-
         More important, 657 government   plinary, law and humanities, natural   grammes across numerous faculties
         including 235 Central and 422 state   and life sciences (including medical),   including arts, humanities, science,
         government universities educate   engineering and technology, all-  commerce, management, engineer-
         73.1 percent of the total 41.3 million   women, agriculture, physical scienc-  ing and technology, etc, and offer
         students in higher education.    es and sports, maths and research.   opportunity for inter-disciplinary
            Therefore in 2020, the annual   This segregation eliminates apples   study. Consequently, it’s not surpris-
         EWIHER, which until then rated   and oranges type comparisons and   ing that the longest league table in

         76    EDUCATIONWORLD   MAY 2023
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81