Page 78 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 78

Cover Story EW India Government University Rankings 2023-24

                                                                           muster rolls.
                                                                             Further down the 91-strong
                                                                           league table of India’s most reputed
                                                                           government multidisciplinary uni-
                                                                           versities, several have moved up in
                                                                           public esteem. Annamalai Uni-
                                                                           versity has been elevated to #14
                                                                           (#21 in 2022-23), University of
                                                                           Kashmir to #20 (#40), Gauhati
                                                                           University to #35 (#46), and Gu-
                                                                           rugram University to #49 (#63).
                                                                             Moreover, it’s also important
                                                                           to highlight that although some
                                                                           universities are ranked modestly in
                                                                           the national league table, they are
                                                                           highly ranked in their host states.
                                                                           For instance, Andhra University,
                                                                           Visakhapatnam, ranked #29
         Calcutta University's Prof. Chattopadhyay (left): less than satisfied  nationally, is #1 in Andhra Pradesh
                                                                           (pop.53 million). Similarly Central
         impressed. “Although there’s a sig-  support and infrastructure. Cur-  University of Jharkhand, ranked
         nificant improvement in our rank-  rently, we are focused on setting up   India #60, is #1 in Jharkhand (39.4
         ing, we are not very happy as UoC   research centres in emerging areas   million) and the Indira Gandhi
         deserves a Top 5 ranking. If you look   such as astrostatistics, nano science,   National Tribal University,
         at our NIRF ranking for the past few   artificial intelligence, and machine   Amarkantak ranked #52 nation-
         years, we have been ranked among   learning. UoC definitely deserves a   ally is the #1 government university
         the Top 10. This is one of the coun-  better ranking,” says Chattopadhyay,   of Madhya Pradesh (85 million).
         try’s oldest universities with world   an alum of Presidency College and   Therefore given the sheer scale and
         famous alumni and world-class    UoC, and also professor of statistics   spread of India, being featured in
         faculties, innovative teaching and   at UoC. Currently, the university   the EW national league table is an
         research, and excellent institutional   has 14,196 students and 1,255 on its   achievement in itself.

         78    EDUCATIONWORLD   MAY 2023
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83