Page 77 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 77

Trichy is promoted to #8 (#13). Os-
                                                                           mania University, Hyderabad
                                                                           has lost ground and is ranked #9
                                                                           (#7) while Alagappa University,
                                                                           Karaikudi has retained its #10
                                                                           ranking of last year.
                                                                             Prof. M. Selvam, Vice Chancel-
                                                                           lor of Bharathidasan University,
                                                                           Trichy, Tamil Nadu (BU, estb.1982)
                                                                           is elated that this 40-year-old state
                                                                           government-funded varsity has
                                                                           entered the Top 10 league table
                                                                           with high scores under the param-
                                                                           eters of range/diversity of study
                                                                           programmes and curriculum and
                                                                             “I dedicate this Top 10 ranking
                                                                           to our students, teachers and staff.
                                                                           I believe our constant efforts to im-
         Bharathidasan University VC Prof. Selvam (right): thoroughly multidisciplinary  prove infrastructure and lab facilities
                                                                           and upgrade curriculums, pedago-
         EWIHER 2023-24 is of government   visionary leadership, state-of-the-  gies and research output has got us
         multidisciplinary universities.  art facilities, and groundbreaking   into the national Top 10. I’m espe-
           That said, there’s no apex-level   research endeavours. Moreover, our   cially satisfied that Bharathidasan
         change in the 2023-24 league table   focus on cultivating a global outlook   has been highly ranked for curricu-
         of India’s best government multi-  through international partnerships   lum and pedagogy and our range of
         disciplinary universities. Delhi   has significantly contributed to our   programmes. We offer study pro-
         University and University of     success. I am especially delighted   grammes in 45-plus streams across
         Mumbai are jointly ranked #1     with our top scores for industry   STEM, social sciences, language,
         for the second year consecutively.   interface, placements, and curricu-  education and business manage-
         However further down the top table,   lum and pedagogy which is proof of   ment. Moreover, we include many
         there’s been a rearrangement of   our commitment to prepare well-  value-added short-term skilling
         seats. Banaras Hindu University   rounded graduates equipped to excel   courses to enhance employability of
         promoted to #2 (#5 in 2022-23)   in today's competitive global world.   our students. As a state government
         with Jawaharlal Nehru Univer-    In line with NEP 2020, our future   university, we are fully aware that
         sity (JNU), Delhi, ranked #3 (#2);   plans are focused on upgrading   we have a responsibility to provide
         Jadavpur University, Kolkata at   research capabilities, launching in-  high-quality, affordable education to
         #4 (#3) and University of Hyder-  terdisciplinary centers of excellence,   our students, many of them first-
         abad at #5 (#4) complete the Top 5.  and deepening international col-  generation learners, to prepare them
           Prof. Ajay Bhambre, pro        laborations,” says Prof. Bhambre, an   for employment and entrepreneur-
         vice chancellor of the University   alumnus of Pune University and Dr.   ship,” says Selvam.
         of Mumbai (UoM), one of the      Babasaheb Ambedkar University,     Yet the most spectacular leap
         country’s three oldest universities   Aurangabad, and former principal   forward in the EW Government
         established in 1857, is unsurprised   of the Ramanand Arya DAV College   Multidisciplinary Universities 2023-
         that the university has retained its   (Autonomous), Mumbai who was   24 league table is of University of
         India #1 rank with top scores on the   appointed pro vice chancellor of   Calcutta (UoC), which has been
         parameters of faculty competence,   UoM last September.           catapulted to #12 from #32 in 2022-
         curriculum and pedagogy, industry   Beyond the Top 5, there’s a major   23. One of the country’s three oldest
         interface and placements.        rejig. Aligarh Muslim University   universities established in 1857,
           “It’s a notable achievement    (AMU) has leapfrogged to #6 from   UoC sprawls across 14 campuses in
         to be ranked the #1 government   #14 in 2022-23 followed by Savi-  Kolkata and its suburbs with 151 af-
         multidisciplinary university for the   tribai Phule Pune University   filiated colleges.
         second consecutive year by Educa-  at #7 (#8). Panjab University,   However Prof. Asis Chat-
         tionWorld. I credit our consistent   Chandigarh has slipped to #8   topadhyay, pro vice chancellor
         top rank to our dedicated faculty,   (#6); Bharathidasan University,   of Academic Affairs at UoC, is not

                                                                              MAY 2023    EDUCATIONWORLD   77
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