Page 24 - EW February 2023
P. 24

Education Notes

           PUNJAB                 tion organised at the Girls   wave conditions. They also   boarding school.
         Teacher training         Inter College, Kaulagarh.  alleged that the warden   The university will
                                    In the initial phase,
         initiative               Sampark FLN TV — a      compelled them to lie    conduct academic and
                                                          to senior officials when
                                                                                   training programmes in
         Chandigarh, january 20.   device that converts   they visited the school for   physical education and
         The Punjab government    any television set into   inspection.            sports sciences, aided by
         has finalised a plan to   an interactive learning   Neither the guard nor   latest sports technolo-
         send a first batch of 36   platform with preloaded   teachers were aware that   gies and medicine. Study
         principals of government   lessons featuring quizzes,   61 girls were missing from   programmes will include
         schools to the Principals’   worksheets and animated   the hostel until the district   sports management,
         Academy, Singapore for a   content — will be installed   authorities contacted   infrastructure engineer-
         specially designed training   in 100 schools state-  them.                ing, psychology, nutrition,
         programme this month     wide, impacting 17,000                           journalism and sports
         (February).              students. A total of 200    GUJARAT              marketing.
           Addressing a press con-  teachers will be trained to   Bribery charge arrest   “We are in touch
         ference, education min-  use the smart platform.                          with state governments,
         ister Harjot Singh Bains   “Sampark smartshala   Ahmedabad, january 9. The   universities and other
         said: “Since teachers are   is an initiative to pro-  Gujarat Anti-Corruption   institutions working in
         nation builders who can   mote education through   Bureau (ACB) arrested a   this domain,” said Deswal,
         lift the level of education,   modern technology. It   DEO (district education   addressing a press confer-
         their teaching skills need   will reach out to nearly   officer) for demanding   ence in Sonipat.
         to be upgraded by ensur-  11,000 schools statewide.   and accepting a bribe of
         ing quality training. The   In particular, the initiative   Rs.20,000 from a govern-   KARNATAKA
         principals will take part   will prove very useful to   ment school principal near   First green ITI
         in a professional teach-  children living in remote   Lunawada town.
         ers’ training workshop in   areas of the state,” said the   The Mahisagar district   Bengaluru, january 10. The
         Singapore from February   chief minister.        DEO was trapped accept-  Government Women’s ITI,
         6-10.”                     .                     ing the bribe, which he   Mangaluru became the
           Last year, chief minister    JHARKHAND         had allegedly demanded   first Industrial Training
         Bhagwant Singh Mann      Overnight protest trek  from a school principal   Institute (ITI) to go green
         convened a meeting with                          when she had approached   countrywide. Under
         government school prin-  Chaibasa (jharkhand),   his office for the second   a pilot project, Quest
         cipals seeking inputs on   january 18. A hostel   time to complain about   Alliance, a Bengaluru-
         ways and means to raise   warden, four teachers and   delay in allotment of an   based not-for-profit, will
         school education stan-   security guard of the fully   ‘employee number’ to a   also work with ITI-Halol
         dards.                   residential government-  newly appointed teacher in   (Gujarat) and ITI-
                                  run Kasturba Gandhi Girls   her school.          Srikona (Assam) at three
           UTTARAKHAND            School, Khuntpani were                           levels — infrastructure,
         Sampark FLN TV           served show-cause no-     HARYANA                cognitive development
                                  tices after 61 girl students
                                                                                   and preparing students for
         Dehradun, january 2.     trekked 17 km overnight to   Sports University of   green careers.
         Under a Sampark smart-   register a complaint at the   Haryana              “Our institute plans to
         shala initiative to trans-  deputy commissioner’s of-  Sonipat, january 2. Former   become a green ITI and
         form government school   fice highlighting abuse and   IPS officer S.S. Deswal has   inspire students to pursue
         classrooms into smart    “atrocities” inflicted upon   been appointed vice chan-  green careers. We want
         classrooms, chief minister   them by school authori-  cellor of the Sports Uni-  to build a green mindset
         Pushkar Singh Dhami      ties.                   versity of Haryana which   among our students. For
         introduced Sampark FLN     The students informed   is all set to start opera-  this we are conducting an
         (foundational literacy   the DSE (district super-  tions in the new academic   audit,” said Shivakumar
         and numeracy) TV and     intendent education)    year. The 200-acre sports   S, principal of the Gov-
         Sampark Science TV —     that they were served   university will be carved   ernment Women’s ITI,
         free-of-charge plug and   stale food, denied clean   out of the campus of the   Mangaluru, speaking on
         play devices designed by   toilets and backward class   Motilal Nehru School of   the occasion.
         the Noida-based Sampark   children were forced to   Sports, Sonipat — India’s
         Foundation — at a func-  sleep on the floor in cold   top-ranked government   Paromita Sengupta with bureau
         24    EDUCATIONWORLD   FEBRUARY 2023
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