Page 26 - EW February 2023
P. 26

Education Briefs

         Bayer Fellowship                 associate with DJTA to usher in a new   final round of the 2023 competition

         Programme                        era of tennis excellence in India. Our   was staged on January 14-15 at Mum-
                                          vision is to equip students not only
                                                                           bai University.
         Mumbai, january 23. In collaboration   with skill training but also to guide   School  teams  declared  Infinity
         with Bhubaneswar City Knowledge In-  them to attain peak mental and physi-  Champions  of  the  Year  2023  were
         novation Cluster Foundation (BCKIC),   cal fitness through planned nutrition,”   ABWA (senior category); Oberoi In-
         the Thane-based Bayer Cropscience   he added.                     ternational, Mumbai (advanced cat-
         Ltd, a subsidiary of Bayer AG, Ger-                               egory). The Mathematician of the Year
         many has launched the Medha Fel-  IIM-U-Communeeti                2023 trophy was awarded to Naman
         lowship Programme, exclusively for                                Jain of The International School, Ban-
         students  from  economically  weaker   agreement                  galore and Suhaan Mobani of ABWA
         sections.  Under  this  programme,                                in the senior category. Lakshay Bansal
         Bayer will fund the education of 125   Udaipur, january 3. The Centre for   of  Neerja  Modi  School,  Jaipur  and
         scholars engaged in agriculture and   Development  Policy  and  Manage-  Ayaan Khan of Indian School, Oman
         life sciences research. The company   ment (CDPM) of the Indian Institute   were also felicitated.
         will  provide  financial  assistance  of   of  Management-Udaipur  (IIM-U)   “The key take away has been that
         Rs.20,000-40,000 per month to Mas-  signed a memorandum of understand-  participants  learned  to  fearlessly
         ters and Ph D students for a period of   ing (MoU) with Communeeti, a Del-  dream about applying maths to real
         two  and  three  years.  The  company   hi-based public policy think-tank and   life problems of social importance,”
         has pledged Rs.10 crore for this pro-  research organisation. Prof. Ashok   said Dr. Sudhirkumar Barai, di-
         gramme.                          Banerjee,  director,  IIM-Udaipur   rector of BITS Pilani, speaking on the
           “At  Bayer,  we  are  committed  to   and Pratyush Prabhakar, founder-  occasion.
         supporting  education,  research,  in-  director of Communeeti, signed the
         novation, and providing inclusive op-  MoU under which the two parties will   Masters Union’s TBM
         portunities for all sections of society.   engage in collaborative research and
         Through the Medha Fellowship Pro-  consultancy projects.          programme
         gramme, we are extending our sup-  “This MoU will enable us to build a
         port  to  students  from  economically   foundation and drive focused research   New  delhi,  january  4.  The  Gurg-
         weaker sections and women scholars,   and policy-making related to the pub-  aon-based  Masters’  Union  (MU,
         encouraging and supporting them to   lic policy and development sector. We   estb.2020),  a  new  age  B-school,
         play an active role in nation-building,”   will disrupt industries, the nation, and   launched its experiential undergrad-
         says D. Narain, president of Bayer   society towards a better future, and we   uate  programme  in  technology  and
         Cropscience.                     will continue to collaborate in other   business management (TBM). Under
                                          areas of mutual interests in future,”   this  programme,  MU  has  budgeted
         DPS-Jaipur Tennis Academy        said Banerjee, speaking on the occa-  $10 million (Rs.81.9 crore) to mentor
                                                                           students. The four-year undergradu-
         Jaipur, january 10. Delhi Public School,                          ate programme offers visiting faculty
         Jaipur (DPS-Jaipur) announced the   Infinity 2023 Math            from the world’s top-ranked universi-
         launch of the Devyani Jaipuria Ten-                               ties  including  Oxford  and  Harvard,
         nis Academy (DJTA). Spread over 15   Championship                 as also CEOs of blue-chip companies
         acres, DJTA was launched with the                                 such as Amazon, Apple, and IBM.
         commencement of the Devyani Jai-  Mumbai, january 17. In association   “In  India,  business  education  at
         puria Under-14 and Under-16 Tennis   with the top-ranked Birla Institute of   the  bachelor’s  level  is  largely  a  for-
         Championships staged between Janu-  Technology and Science (BITS Pilani,   mality  prior  to  students  enrolling
         ary 9-16. “This world-class training fa-  estb.1964) and University of Water-  for  postgrad  MBA  programmes  at
         cility will equip young boys and girls   loo  (Canada),  the  Mumbai-based   home or abroad. Our objective is to
         from across the country with the skills   Aditya Birla World Academy (ABWA,   add  genuine  value  to  the  four-year
         required to compete in state, national   estb.2009)  successfully  conducted   undergrad programme. The new-age
         and international tennis tourna-  Infinity 2023 — The Ultimate Math   TBM programme based on experien-
         ments,” said Devyani Jaipuria, pro   Championship. This annual transna-  tial learning and global exposure will
         vice chairperson of DPS-Jaipur.  tional  championship  which  attracts   produce business leaders prepared to
           The academy will be spearheaded   students from UAE, Oman, Singapore,   promote successful enterprises or run
         by India’s Davis Cup coach Zeeshan   Sri  Lanka  and  Bangladesh,  encour-  large organisations immediately after
         Ali, former national tennis champion   ages students to demonstrate their   graduation,” says Pratham Mittal,
         and Davis Cup player. “I am thrilled to   math capabilities and creativity. The   founder-director of MU.

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