Page 30 - EW February 2023
P. 30

Institution Profile

                    Tatva Global School, Hyderabad

                     Within the short span of a decade since it admitted its first batch of 23 children
               mentored by five teachers in 2014, TGS has quickly won golden opinions. In EWISR 2022-
                           23, TGS is ranked among Telangana's Top 30 co-ed day schools
                                                    M. SOMASEKHAR

                ITED ON A TEN-ACRE eco-
                friendly  campus  in  Gaju-
                laramaram  in  Hyderabad’s
         Supscale suburb of Kukatpal-
         ly,  the  Tatva  Global  School  (TGS,
         estb.2014) has acquired a big reputa-
         tion within the short span of a decade.
         In the latest EW India School Rank-
         ings 2022-23, TGS — which has 987
         boys and 853 girl students mentored
         by 140 teachers on its muster rolls — is
         ranked among the Top 30 co-ed day
         schools in Telangana and Hyderabad.
           Promoted by the Shree Datta Edu-
         cational Society (regstd.2012) — co-
         founded by Viswanath Sivaswamy, T.
         Usha, Katamreddy Rangadham, Sha-
         hid Ali Khan and Raghunadh Reddy
         —  this  K-12  CBSE  (Delhi)-affiliated
         school, which admitted its first batch
         of  23  children  and  five  teachers  in   TGS campus vista: big reputation in short span. Inset: T. Usha
         2014, has quickly won golden opin-
         ions.                            tionwide  lockdown  of                       and  public  speaking.
           “At  Tatva,  we  firmly  believe  that   schools for 82 weeks fol-          Forty  percent  of  stu-
         inculcating good values, appreciating   lowing  outbreak  of  the             dents’ time in school
         nature and ecology and developing a   Covid-19  pandemic  was                 is devoted to life skills
         curious mind are essential for child   a blessing in disguise in-             development, towards
         development.  We  are  wholly  com-  asmuch as it accelerated                 all-round education,”
         mitted to nurturing global citizens   the adoption of latest ICT              says T. Usha, a his-
         equipped to manage the complexities   technologies to enable                  tory postgrad of Delhi
         of the future through our 3Cs — char-  curriculum delivery. “Now              University,  and  the
         acter, confidence and communication   with students back in their   Viswanath Sivaswamy   school’s academic co-
         — curriculum. Therefore, the school’s   classrooms,  teachers  are            ordinator.
         curriculum is an optimal mix of rigor-  thoroughly  equipped  to  provide  an   TGS’ eco-friendly campus spread
         ous academics, sports and co-curric-  excellent mix of ICT-enabled contem-  over  ten  acres  which  includes  a
         ular education. With a teacher-pupil   porary pedagogy,” adds Sivaswamy.   350-trees mango orchard, houses four
         ratio  of  1:13,  we  pride  ourselves  on   “The school’s USP is its 360 degree   state-of-the-art  academic  buildings
         bestowing individual attention upon   curriculum which optimally integrates   with 104 well-equipped ICT-enabled
         all students,” says Viswanath Sivas-  academics,  sports,  co-curricular  ac-  classrooms, five modern laboratories
         wamy, an engineering and business   tivities  and  life  skills  development.   including a science, three computer,
         management alum of Acharya Nagar-  It  includes  75  minutes  of  physical   and a maths lab, four multipurpose
         juna, Guntur and Illinois (USA) uni-  activity  (sports,  games,  dance  etc)   halls, three music rooms, and two per-
         versities, and director and CEO of TGS   every day,  specially designed to keep   forming arts halls. Moreover, the well-
         which is fast developing into a model   children  engaged  productively.  Stu-  stocked in-class and central libraries
         school of the future.            dents are encouraged to share knowl-  house 7,000 volumes, digital resourc-
           According to Sivaswamy, the na-  edge through project-based activities   es and 12 subscribed magazines and

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