Page 34 - EW February 2023
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Institution Profile
of Buffalo. In 1962, it was merged into the State University SCHOLASTIC OPTIONS AT UB
of New York public education system. Illustrious alumni
include award-winning journalist Wolf Blitzer; Li Yanhong SUNY at Buffalo offers a wide range of undergraduate and
(Robin Li), co-founder of, the largest Chinese- postgrad programmes in 13 schools and colleges. They
language search engine; Khalil Mack, NFL football super- include:
star and American television star John Walsh. School of Architecture and Planning; College of Arts and
Buffalo. The second largest city of New York state, Buffalo Sciences; School of Dental Medicine; Graduate School of
(pop.278,349) is sited on the eastern shore of Lake Erie, at Education; School of Engineering and Applied Sciences;
the head of the River Niagara, on the US-Canada border. School of Law; School of Management; Jacobs School
The world-famous Niagara Falls is a mere 30 minutes by of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; School of Nursing;
road and the Buffalo-Niagara counties host a population School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; School
of over 1 million. Cafeterias and parks along the river are a of Public Health and Health Professions; School of Social
hub for cyclists to explore the scenic region. Buffalo is also Work.
among three US cities with a radial street pattern with the Study programmes include African-American studies,
Niagara Square at its epicentre. anthropology, social studies, chemistry, chemical engineer-
The city’s cultural landmarks include the oldest urban ing, communications, criminology, economics, English, film
parks system in the US, the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buf- studies, electric/computer/civil/environmental engineering,
falo Philharmonic Orchestra, Shea’s Performing Arts Cen- exercise science, geological sciences, information and
ter, and Buffalo Museum of Science. It also hosts several technology management, mathematical physics, medical
other higher education institutions with an enrolment of chemistry, music, theatre, dance, fine arts, etc.
over 54,000 students. Outdoor recreation activities include Fees & expenses
hiking, ice biking, sailing, and fishing. Tuition $24,990
Buffalo has warm summers and cold, snowy winters, and Other fees $6,430
receives above average rainfall. Temperatures are the low- Housing $17,000
est in January (-4°C) and highest in July (25°C). Total $48,420 NB $=Rs.81.43
Campus facilities. UB sprawls across three campuses in the
city — North, South and Downtown. The largest of them
and its “academic heart” is the expansive 1,192-acre green cessful completion of class XII and proof of English lan-
North Campus sited in the suburb of Amherst. Inaugu- guage proficiency (TOEFL, PTE or Cambridge English test
rated in 1970, it hosts thoroughly furbished academic and scores). Submission of SAT/ACT test scores is optional.
research buildings, student residence halls and apartments, Beyond class XII and standarised test scores, UB requires
awards-winning dining facilities, the Student Union and applicants to submit a personal essay and a teacher recom-
athletic centres. Abundant green spaces, including a rec- mendation. “Admission to the freshman class at the UB is
reational lake and a 65-acre living wood, complement the based on more than just your grades. We are looking for
built-up environment. students who excel academically, engage in extracurricular
The South Campus is spread across 153 green acres activities, and maintain a good school-life balance,” says a
housing paradigmatic ivy-coloured buildings. High rise university spokesperson. The last date for submitting appli-
residential complexes, research and teaching facilities dot cations for the fall term beginning September is February 1.
the campus which hosts the schools of architecture and Admission requirements for entry into postgrad pro-
planning, dental medicine, nursing, pharmacy and phar- grammes include successful completion of a bachelor’s de-
maceutical sciences. gree or equivalent and English language proficiency.
The Downtown Campus hosts the Jacobs School of For further information, contact Office of International
Medicine and Biometrical Sciences in addition to the New Admissions, 115, Capen Hall, Buffalo, New York 14260-
York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life 1604; e-mail:; website: www.buf-
Sciences, Clinical and Research Institute on Addictions, and
the Clinical and Translational Research Center. Accommodation. Students have the choice of nine on-campus
UB’s 11 libraries collectively house 4 million print vol- halls of residence and apartments. The Ellicott Housing
umes and also offer access to a wide array of digital infor- Complex is the largest with options of single, double, triple
mation resources. Moreover the university hosts two art or quad rooms. All on-campus housing is fully furnished
galleries, eight theatres/performance venues, state-of-the- and wi-fi enabled with laundry services. Students can
art sports and athletic facilities including stadiums, bas- choose from a wide range of meal plans.
ketball and tennis courts, swimming pools, and five fitness Degree programmes. UB offers over 450 study programmes
centres, several cafeterias and restaurants. Membership of including 140 undergrad majors and over 300 postgraduate
over 400 student clubs is also on offer. and professional certificate programmes (see box).
Admission. The minimum eligibility requirement is suc- RESHMA RAVISHANKER