Page 32 - EW February 2023
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Institution Profile

         journals.  A  2,500-seat  dining  hall   ADMISSION & FEES         mitment  to  balanced,  well-rounded
         serves children hot (vegetarian) meals                            education  has  produced  excellent
         in which a sharing and caring culture   Admission is from kindergarten   academic  outcomes.  The  26-strong
         is encouraged.                    onwards. In other classes, admis-  batch  of  students  which  wrote  the
           The school’s sports infrastructure is   sions are against vacancies. Written   CBSE class X school-leaving exam last
         equally impressive. Facilities include a   admission tests (class II onwards)   February-March, averaged 84 percent
         25-metre swimming pool, hockey and   are mandatory.               with the topper averaging 95 percent.
         football fields, three cricket practice   Tuition fee (annual): Rs.1.75-2 lakh.  Encouraged  by  rising  public  de-
         nets, volleyball, lawn tennis, and bas-  For more information, contact 040-  mand for admission (18 applications
         ketball  courts.  Professional  services   48588661/8662 or email info@  for every seat), TGS is all set to wel-
         of five NIS (Patiala)-trained coaches     come its inaugural Plus Two batch this
         are provided to improve the hockey,                               year. “We have drawn up an expan-
         football, basketball, handball and roll-  dent clubs (debates and quiz, elocution   sion plan to increase campus capac-
         er-skating skills of children. “Class X   and crosswords) to develop children’s   ity. Additional classrooms covering an
         student Mohit Pranav has been short-  multiple intelligences. Moreover, the   area of 90,000 sq. ft are currently un-
         listed in the under-15 probables list   school’s  dedicated  wing  for  special   der construction. Moreover, we have
         to represent India in hockey,” says T.   needs children with three counsellors   invested substantially to upgrade our
         Usha                             and special educators enables 15 chil-  science laboratories for the first batch
           Co-curricular  education  options   dren to realise their full potential.  of  senior  secondary  students,”  says
         include music, art and crafts, and stu-  The  TGS  management’s  com-  Sivaswamy.

         SUNY at Buffalo, USA

         One of the two flagship academies of the
         State University of New York, UB has been
         ranked among America's Top 40 public
         universities for five years consecutively by
         the US News & World Report

                HE  STATE  UNIVERSITY  OF  NEW  YORK  AT
                BUFFALO (UB aka SUNY, Buffalo, estb.1846) is
                one of two flagship varsities of the State University
         Tof New York (the other is Stony Brook). A member
         academy of the Association of American Universities, an
         elite group of higher education research institutions, UB
         has been ranked among the country’s Top 40 public uni-
         versities for five years consecutively by US News & World
         Report. Likewise, the Institute of International Education   SUNY Buffalo North campus: Top 40 US ranking for five years
         (IIE) ranks UB among America’s Top 30 higher ed institu-
         tions for student diversity — 13 percent of its 21,467 under-  fessions, social work, and the Jacobs School of Medicine
         graduate students are from foreign shores.       and Biomedical Sciences. The university also hosts over 150
           Spread across three campuses in Buffalo city, 35 km   research centres with an annual research budget of $422
         from the globally-famous Niagara Falls, UB offers it 33,000   million (Rs.3,460 crore). The incumbent president of UB
         students mentored by 2,500 faculty over 450 study pro-  is India-born Dr. Satish K. Tripathi.
         grammes across the faculties of architecture and planning,   UB traces its origins to 1846 when it was promoted as
         arts and sciences, dental medicine, education, engineering   a private medical college to train and certify medical prac-
         and applied sciences, law, management, nursing, pharmacy   titioners of the villages of Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Over
         and pharmaceutical sciences, public health and health pro-  the next century, it transformed into the private University

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