Page 28 - EW February 2023
P. 28

Expert Comment

         Foreign branded schools


                                                                               ROSHAN GANDHI

            NDIAN SCHOOL PUPILS WILL SOON BE ABLE TO      Foreign trusts and corporates rarely plan
            follow in Jawaharalal Nehru’s footsteps by attending
            Harrow School, or spend their formative years ambling   to operate licensed schools themselves.
         Ithe corridors of Wellington College, without leaving In-  Whether a local partner renting the
         dian terra firma. These schools have announced they are
         setting up shop in Bangalore and Pune respectively, this   Harrow name can truly recreate the
         year. Other famous school brands from abroad are set to   ethos of the original institution is
         follow shortly. While entry of branded foreign education
         institutions is a welcome development that can import new   doubtful
         pedagogies and best education practices into India, we must
         also weigh the implications of their entry into India’s educa-  since the 19th century, and it is well understood that elite
         tion marketplace from a critical angle.          families opt for such schools not only for perceived quality
            The prime motive behind foreign education institutions   of education and character-building, but also for network-
         establishing  Indian  affiliates  is  profit  generation.  This   ing, association with an elite label, and exclusivity. But
         might sound like a statement of the obvious, but on closer   specific attraction to foreign brand identities, particularly
         inspection it’s not so straightforward. Indian readers are   British schools, suggests a certain colonial hangover; an un-
         accustomed to nominally ‘not-for-profit’ private schools   derlying belief that there’s inherent superiority in having
         which in reality are promoter-operated, channeling sur-  one’s education associated with respected institutions of
         pluses into personal accounts of promoters through legal   the British establishment. Indeed, given that the operating
         creativity. This is not true of British private schools, which   model renders the authenticity of the experience question-
         are genuinely not-for-profit entities managed by governing   able, one may reasonably be skeptical of whether a local
         boards whose members don’t have financial stakes in the   partner renting the Harrow School name and logo can truly
         institution. Delivering premium quality education is expen-  recreate the ethos the original institution has been carefully
         sive, so despite high fees these schools often have to rely on   cultivating since 1572. Quite clearly, wealthy families will
         additional sources of income to fund noble ambitions such   be forking out for name association above all other factors.
         as scholarships and new infrastructure.             wo other observations confirm this conclusion. First,
            Additional income normally comes in the form of do- Tthere are several other establishment schools that are
         nations from grateful parents and alumni. But now that   highly respected within Britain, and whose academic re-
         British private schools are confronted with the prospect of   sults are on a par with, if not ahead of Harrow, Wellington,
         losing their tax-exempt status, and economic challenges   Rugby. But due to largely untraceable historical reasons,
         across Europe inhibiting the generosity of benefactors, they   they have not attained the same degree of brand recognition
         are obliged to find alternative income sources. Taking their   internationally. Schools such as The Perse, Tonbridge, and
         brands overseas is the latest strategy devised to this end.   Abingdon are household names in the United Kingdom,
            Foreign trusts and corporates establishing their school   but it’s unlikely that Indian parents have heard of them. It
         brands in India, rarely plan to operate the licensed schools   is harder for these schools to establish a presence in India,
         themselves. The preferred model is to partner with local   a symptom of Indian consumers’ greater interest in their
         investor-entrepreneurs who provide land, buildings, and   comparative renown than excellent substance. Secondly,
         operations personnel (in Harrow’s case, Amity Group; in   several  Indian  schools  now  offer  foreign  curricula  and
         Wellington’s, Unison Group). The local investor pays the   quality of holistic education no less than that of renowned
         foreign brand a fee under the head of ‘educational services’,             foreign schools, for far less fee. But evidently, this relative
         which includes use of the brand name and quality assurance   bargain is insufficient to dilute parents’ fascination with
         to uphold the standards of the brand. The model is not dis-  foreign brands.
         similar to the franchise model that many Indian education   Yet as Indians, we would do well to examine our own
         institutions already employ.                     motives for availing the services of profit-chasing affiliates
            We  can  expect  Indian  affiliates  of  foreign  schools  to   of not-for-profit institutions abroad. We must ask ourselves
         charge very high fees — upwards of Rs.16 lakh per annum,   whether spending vast sums on prestigious foreign labels
         far out of reach for the vast majority of Indians. High fees   is worth it, or whether it would be wiser to repose trust in
         per se is not a reason to be critical — there is nothing wrong   high-quality Indian institutions offering comparable stan-
         with consumers making a free choice to purchase expen-  dard of education.
         sive services. But they raise the question of what patrons
         of these schools are looking for.                 (Roshan Gandhi is the Oxford-educated strategy adviser & former CEO of
            Elite schools are not new to India. High-fees boarding   City Montessori Schools, Lucknow, managing director, GoCongo Founda-
         schools educating scions of the super-rich have existed   tion and international edtech consultant)

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