Page 77 - EW June 2023
P. 77

Best International Academic Collaboration         Extraordinary Leadership
         HEIs which forge partnerships and collaborations with   These awards acknowledge extraordinary education lead-
         reputed academic institutions around the world to expand   ers from among low-profile and newly emergent private
         student experiences, promote free exchange of ideas, fac-  higher education institutions.
         ulty and student growth, breakthroughs in knowledge and
         research, and build enduring bonds between institutions
         and nations.                                         Rank

             Rank                                            India  State  City
           India  State  City                                1  1  1   Ramanand Arya DAV College, Mumbai
                                                             2  2  2   University of Mumbai’s Garware Institute of Career
           1  1   1   Nest Academy of Sports Management (NASM), Mumbai             Education and Development
           2  1   1   Shiv Nadar University, Gautam Buddha Nagar    2  1  1   SRM University, Sonipat
           3  2   2   SP Jain School of Global Management, Mumbai    3  1  1   ICFAI University Meghalaya, Shillong
           4  1   1   Amity University Punjab, Mohali        4  1  1   Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (NIET),
           5  1   1   GD Goenka University, Sohna, Gurugram             Greater Noida
           6  1   1   PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore    5  2  1   Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed-to
           7  1   1   Presidency University, Bengaluru                 -be-University), Meerut
           8  1   1   Asian Institute of Public Health University, Cuttack    6  1  1   GITAM, Visakhapatnam
           9  1   1   GLS University, Ahmedabad              7  3  3   TransStadia Institute, Mumbai
           10  1  1   KL University, Guntur                  8  1  1   Gandhinagar University
                                                             9  4  4   Adv. VB Deshpande College of Commerce (Night),
                                                             10  1  1   Mohamed Sathak Group of Educational Institutes,

              We are thrilled
              with our high
         “ranking for Best
         International Academic
         Collaboration. One of
         our prized collaboration
         is a niche Masters degree
         in Global Luxury Goods
         & Services Management
         in partnership with the
         Polimi Graduate School
         of Management, Milan. I
         am grateful to our teach-                            It’s a proud moment for us at Ramanand Arya DAV
         ing, non-teaching staff,                             College to be ranked India #1 for Extraordinary
         and management who                               “Leadership. We thank the EducationWorld eminent
         have worked collaboratively and proactively with all our   grand jury for this prestigious award. Over the past half
         partners to provide contemporary future-ready education   century, we have developed excellent governance and ad-
         to our students who have readily embraced latest digital   ministrative systems with high levels of transparency and
         technologies and best industry practices. Our internation-  accountability, and a teachers’ community who deliver
         al partner also shares the happiness and sense of pride in   innovative curriculums using latest teaching-learning
         knowing that we have helped shape the future of so many   pedagogies to ensure excellent learning outcomes. This
         young aspirants by giving them dual city exposure of di-  recognition reaffirms our commitment to maintain an
         verse cultures and markets — India and Milan” — Smita   environment of high academic excellence and leadership”
         Jain, Director, SP Jain School of Global Manage-  — Dr. Ajay Bhamare (centre), Principal, Ramanand
         ment, Mumbai (estb.2016) which has an enrolment of   Arya DAV College, Mumbai (estb.1969) with an en-
         114 students and 30 teachers                     rolment of 3,500 students and 100 teachers

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