Page 79 - EW June 2023
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Campus Design Excellence                         Exemplary Research Institutions
         Attractive and conducive campuses providing state-of-the-  This award recognises higher education research institu-
         art enabling infrastructure which enables students to learn   tions for their innovative R&D which has far-reaching
         joyfully and give their best, are awarded in this category.  impact and has caught, or has the potential to catch, the
                                                          imagination of the public and/or industry.

             Rank                                             Rank

           India  State  City                               India  State  City

           1  1   1   Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur    1  1  1   Lifeness Science Institute (LSI), Mumbai
           2  1   1   Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal    2  1   1   Shoolini University, Bajhol, Solan
           3  1   1   Aspee College of Agricultutre, Porbandar    3  2  2   Nirmala Memorial Foundation College of Commerce &
           4  1   1   Shiv Nadar University, Chennai                  Science, Mumbai
           5  2   1   Karnavati University, Gandhinagar     4  1   1   Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan, Bhubaneswar
           6  1   1   CV Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar    5  1  1   Manipal University, Jaipur
           7  3   1   TransStadia University, Ahmedabad     6  1   1   Vision Education Group, Bengaluru
           8  2   2   Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed      7  1  1   SIGMA University, Vadodara
                     Universty), Chennai                    8  1   1   GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,
           9  1   1   AAFT ELearn, Gurugram                           Greater Noida
           10  1  1   Rayat-Bahra University, Greater Mohali    9  2  2   IIHMR University, Jaipur
                                                            10  2  1   Eternal University, Baru Sahib, Rajgarh

                                                              We are grateful to the EducationWorld jury for this
                                                              award. It confirms Shoolini’s position as India’s top
                                                           “private research university and acknowledges the
                                                           hard work of our faculty and our commitment to inno-
                                                           vation and world-class research. Seven of our faculty-
                                                           researchers are ranked in Stanford University’s global list
                                                           of Top 2 percent scientists. Moreover, Shoolini, ranked in
                                                           the 351-400 band in the Times Higher Education World
                                                           University Rankings, has filed the highest number of
                                                           patents in the country and has deep partnerships with a
                                                           global network of research partners” — Prof. Atul Kho-
                                                           sla (centre right), Vice Chancellor, Shoolini University
             We are proud and delight-                     (estb.2009), Bajhol (4,200 students and 240 faculty)
             ed to be ranked India #1
         “institute for Campus De-
         sign Excellence. Spread across
         a 50-acre verdant campus,
         Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit
         University offers contempo-
         rary academic buildings with
         green verges to provide tradi-
         tional gurukulam style teach-
         ing. This recognition will motivate our team to continu-
         ously improve and maintain our campus. I acknowledge
         the constructive efforts of all staff and students in the best
         interest of higher education”   — Prof. Madhusudan
         Peenna, Vice Chancellor, Kavikulaguru Kalidas San-
         skrit University, Ramtek (estb.1997)

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