Page 78 - EW June 2023
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EW Grand Jury India Higher Education Rankings 2023-24

         Professional Education                           Best Digital Technologies Usage
         Institutions providing globally benchmarked professional   Higher education institutions integrating innovative digi-
         study programmes such as events management, fashion   tal technologies within curriculums and implementing
         design and mass communication, among others.     IT-enabled pedagogies to enable delivery of engaging and
                                                          effective education.

           India  State  City                                 Rank

           1  1   1   Global Academy of Professional Accountants (GAPA),
                     Mumbai                                  India  State  City
           2  1   1   The Heritage Academy, Department of Media Sciences,      1  1  1   Future Varsity (FV), Mumbai
                     Kolkata                                 2
           3  2   2   Aruna Manharlal Shah Institute of Management &         2    2     Institute of Distance & Open Learning (IDOL), University
                                                                       of Mumbai
                     Research, Mumbai                        3  1  1   ICFAI Online, Hyderabad
           4  1   1   Vikash School of Business Management, Bargarh    4
           5  1   1   Indore Institute of Science & Technology  1  1   World University of Design, Sonipat
           6  1   1   School of Hospitality and Tourism, Galgotias University,      5  1  1   ICA Edu Skills, Kolkata
                     Greater Noida                           6  1  1   The Oxford College of Engineering, Bengaluru
           7  3   3   Smt. Mithibai Motiram Kundnani College of Commerce      7  3  3   HSNC University, Mumbai
                     & Economics, Mumbai                     8  1  1   Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
           8  2   1   Rajshree Institute of Management & Technology, Bareilly     9  2  1   NIMT Group of Educational Institutions, Ghaziabad
                     (UP)                                    10  1  1   IPS Academy, Indore
           9  1   1   CT Institute of Management and Information Technology,
           10  1  1   Panipat Insitute of Engineering & Technology

              We thank Educa-
              tionWorld’s eminent
         “jury for this recogni-
         tion. When we started on
         this journey three years
         ago, we never imagined it
         would lead to this mo-
         ment. I attribute our #1
         rank for professional                                 World University of Design (WUD) faculty, staff,
         education to our students                             and students are elated with this recognition. We
         and teachers whose hard                          “have invested heavily in robust digital infrastructure
         work and dedication has                          including high-speed Internet connectivity, advanced
         enabled GAPA to deliver                          computer labs, and multimedia facilities to enable our
         high-quality accountancy                         students and faculty to access the best digital resources.
         qualifications. Our BBA (Hons.) degree in professional   Our #4 rank for Best Digital Technologies Usage acknowl-
         accountancy & financial management and diplomas in   edges our innovative approach to integrate advanced
         accountancy are thoroughly aligned with industry needs.   digital technologies into our curriculum, lecture delivery
         Therefore our feedback is that GAPA graduates are fully   and campus infrastructure. We pride ourselves for actively
         prepared to hit the ground running” — Suchi Kothari,   collaborating with industry partners to stay abreast with
         Director of Global Academy for Professional Ac-  the latest digital trends and technologies. These collabo-
         countants, Mumbai (estb.2020)                    rations enable students to engage in real-world projects,
                                                          internships, and land fulfilling industry placements” —
                                                          Dr. (Prof.) Sanjay Gupta, Founder-Vice Chancellor,
                                                          World University of Design, Sonipat (estb.2018)
                                                          which has an enrolment of 921 students and 99 teachers

         78    EDUCATIONWORLD   JUNE 2023
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83