Page 85 - EW June 2023
P. 85


         Harnessing AI power in

         K-12 education

                                                                      ROBINSON PHILIPOSE

            N RECENT YEARS, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE       With appropriate tools and strategies,
            (AI) has made headlines around the world and scared
            educationists with alarmist predictions of widespread   educators have the opportunity to
         Itesting malpractice. But on the other side, AI has   harness the power of AI to provide
         great potential to transform traditional teaching and en-
         able teachers and students in K-12 education.    personalised, engaging and effective
           Teaching has traditionally been a manual and human-  learning experiences for children
         intensive vocation in which teachers must design lesson
         plans, develop course material and deliver lectures. While
         this pedagogy has worked in the past, it is time consum-  concepts and need help at home. AI-powered chatbots
         ing and leaves little room for innovation and experimen-  can answer routine student questions and clear assign-
         tation. It’s a one-size-fits-all pedagogy. India’s normative   ment doubts. Natural language processing (NLP) is the
         1:40 teacher-pupil ratio makes it difficult to personalise   backbone of chatbots, allowing them to understand and
         the education of every student. Like a doctor attending   respond to human speech.
         many patients prescribes medicines based on individual-  Automated grading. Furthermore, AI can automate
         ised lab reports, similarly a teacher should be able to ad-  the assessment process, freeing teachers to attend to
         dress the learning deficit of every child in her classroom.   necessary admin duties. Simultaneously, it provides stu-
         AI makes this possible.                          dents faster assignment feedback thus enabling them to
           With the advent of AI, educators now have power-  improve their grades. Moreover, AI assessments are en-
         ful tools and technologies to create personal, engaging,   tirely based on data and algorithms eliminating assessor
         effective and customised learning experiences for their   bias. Again, it reduces teachers’ workload, allowing them
         students.                                        to devote more time to teaching and provide support to
           Here are some ways AI can transform teaching-learn-  students requiring it.
         ing in K-12 education:                              redictive analytics. AI can analyse test perfor-
         Diagnostics. The first step in personalising education is  Pmance, behaviour and engagement to predict which
         to diagnose every child’s learning deficit in each subject,   students are at risk of falling behind or dropping out.
         not possible within a 40-minutes period. This humanly   This enables early teacher intervention and additional
         impossible task is made easy with an AI-powered com-  support to laggard students. AI algorithms can also
         mon test in every subject which will immediately disclose   provide data on student needs, and resource alloca-
         the learning deficit of every child in a classroom of 40   tion advice to aid school administrators make informed
         students in just three minutes.                  decisions such as hiring new teachers, purchasing new
         Personalised learning. AI can report the progress and   technology or investing in additional support staff.
         performance of every student to enable customised teach-  In conclusion, AI has enormous potential to trans-
         ing to suit individual needs and preferences. Traditional   form conventional K-12 education, opening up new
         pedagogies oblige educators to take a one-size-fits-all   possibilities for teachers and students. Although the
         approach, delivering the same content to all students,   adoption of AI in education presents some challenges,
         regardless of individual learning style or pace. On the   such as privacy and data security concerns, the benefits
         other hand, AI algorithms can assess the strengths and   far outweigh these addressable risks. With appropriate
         weaknesses of every child and prescribe lesson plans ac-  tools and strategies, educators have the opportunity to
         cordingly, enabling her to learn at her own pace for better   harness the power of AI to deliver radically personalised,
         retention and comprehension.                     engaging, and effective learning experiences for chil-
         Smart tutoring systems. AI can also be used to de-  dren.
         velop smart tutoring systems (STS) that provide instant   As we move forward, it’s important to remember
         feedback and guidance to students as they learn and   that education isn’t just about transferring knowledge.
         adapt to their learning styles and capabilities, thus pro-  It’s also about developing skills, nurturing creativity
         viding more personalised and effective learning experi-  and empowering students to become lifelong learners.
         ences. These tutoring systems use AI algorithms which   By embracing new possibilities and utilising advanced
         provide personalised feedback and guidance to students   technologies, we can create a more efficient education
         throughout their learning.                       system that prepares students for success in the complex
         Natural language processing. AI chatbots can be   future ahead.
         used to answer students’ queries in real time, providing
         instant guidance and assistance. This is particularly use-  (Robinson Philipose is Managing Director of, a Pune-
         ful for students who have difficulty understanding certain   based edtech company)

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