Page 88 - EW June 2023
P. 88
cal beauty? Why does he pana a new lease of life by
deem it necessary to craft placing her work before PARENTING IN THE AGE OF
strong feminist characters, the world: a 21st-century ANXIETY: RAISING CHILDREN IN
endow them with beauty, world where religious fun- INDIA IN THE 21ST CENTURY
but then disable them with damentalism locks horns Abha Adams
some sort of dysfunctional with secular ideologies, ALEPH BOOK COMPANY
characteristics? where kings set narra- Rs.399 Pages 224
Either way, Pampa tives, where fiction is more
Kampana’s inability to ig- powerful than history,
nore the rulers of Bisnaga where the state whispers
proves to be her undoing. to citizens about who they education, among her Well-known K-12
The last great Bisnaga king are so they can hold on to many accomplishments, educator Abha
Krishnadevaraya, blinds non-negotiable identities her instrumental contribu- Adams discusses
Pampa Kampana when he and seek to kill or die for tion in the setting up of the the challenges and
thinks she has deceived them, where women still country’s iconic institu- choices parents
him. She lives in the struggle for a seat at the tions, widely regarded as face, and must
corner of a secluded room table of the powerful, and schools that are centres make, while raising
in a monastery, cloaked where rulers still aspire to of excellence — Shri Ram children in these
in darkness and silence be immortal by finding a schools & Step by Step — fractious times
until the day she decides to place for themselves in the themselves speak volumes
record the story of Bisnaga historical record. of her knowledge and
— her story — for times yet Who wins in this game insights. In a life dedicated Parents, teachers, counsel-
to come. of history? In Victory to education, her endur- lors, child psychologists,
With the help of a City, Rushdie is giving ing and distinguished psycho-therapists, family
lettered princess who is us an answer. If “words career began as a student therapists, and most im-
sympathetic to her, Pampa are the only victors”, it is at Delhi’s Lady Shri Ram portantly, children share
Kampana tells her story the writer who triumphs College. Abha Adams is the their first-hand experi-
and the story of Bisnaga over kings and rulers. It embodiment of wisdom, ences in this book. Besides
and its kings, their avarice, is the writer who shapes a fountainhead of an all- confronting challenges like
their foibles, their vanity, the historical record and encompassing philosophy early puberty, advancing
and their mistakes. She our understanding of a of teaching and parenting adolescence, and fitting
begins to restore herself particular time and place with contemporary rel- in with friends to the pain
through her own words. In in history. evance, more pressing and points of teenage years,
spite of being blinded by When empires have urgent than ever. PITAA also addresses pres-
the power of the state, she fallen and regimes vanish It is in this very real ent-day issues like mental
can now see what she must into oblivion, and writers context, against a back- health and well-being and
do. Writing this history have been attacked and drop of severe identity- problems of raising chil-
is her way of snatching erased because the state crisis and a loss-of-self, dren with special needs.
power away from the lofty decreed it, their words will that Adams’ book Par- Critical issues like sub-
kings of Bisnaga with their endure, always victorious. enting in the Age of stance abuse, self-harm,
golden crowns. In the end, VASUNDHARA SIRNATE Anxiety (PITAA), becomes sexual orientation, suicide,
they will be remembered (The Book Review) pertinent, immediately and teenage pregnancies,
how she chooses. . applicable, and serves as a which are usually brushed
Pampa Kampana is valuable guide to parents, under the carpet, are dis-
destined to live as long Excellent family caregivers, guardians, cussed at length.
as Bisnaga lives. As the teachers, mentors and Among a slew of self-
fall of Bisnaga begins, therapy principals. help books, there are some
Pampa Kampana hides the The book’s cover is key differentiators that
finished manuscript Jay- disarmingly simple, but make PITAA stand head
aparajaya in a clay pot. It BHA ADAMS’ the content is potent. and shoulders above the
is hurriedly buried and for- reputation as In- Adams discusses the chal- rest.
gotten for centuries. Until Adia’s pre-eminent lenges and choices parents First, Adams is an
the present day, when the educationist precedes face, and must make, author who represents an
translator of Jayapara- her, and for good reason. while raising children educated, deeply insightful
jaya gives Pampa Kam- As a pioneering force in in these fractious times. amalgam of real-world,