Page 89 - EW June 2023
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current and relevant     ing of behaviour, triggers,   pressing issue that plagues   and care-givers, as well as
         experience. The value    circumstances, stimuli,   humanity today: parents   by educators, institutions
         of career-academics is   and resulting manifesta-  and children being more   and mentors.
         unquestionable. However,   tions; born from which are   connected to their devices   We must understand
         in her case, theoretical   solutions bedrocked in a   than to each other. This   one universal truth. Hap-
         knowhow is supplemented   winning merger of practi-  modern-day pandemic is   piness and contentment,
         by extensive practical,   cality and prudence.   giving rise to a plethora of   above and beyond every
         hands-on experience.       The cornerstone of    problems, issues, misun-  other aspiration, includ-
         Second, the author is    civilisation is not science;   derstanding, unhealthy   ing personal milestones,
         successfully able to share   it is language. Adams elu-  expectations and pres-  professional glory and
         case histories and offer   cidates this critical point   sures, while reducing dis-  triumphs, monetary goals,
         solutions to three distinct   by going to the very source   tance between parents and   are transitory. An absolute
         audience-sets directly —   of technology when she   children leading to stress,   non-negotiable prerequi-
         parents, educators and   shares that all tech mag-  anxiety and a barrage of   site of building a happy
         students. Third, the most   nates, from the pioneering   unsavoury psychological   and contented society is to
         crucial age-range whilst   Bill Gates to the eccentric   trauma.          nurture actualised citizens
         raising children is also   genius Elon Musk, ensure   This is an important   engaged, first in the ‘good
         addressed: from birth    that their own children   book, relevant to      of self’, as also the ‘good
         to teenage years. Simply   have no access to tech   current times. A book   of other’. To actualise this
         written, yet thorough, this   products for the longest   that needs to be read;   mantra, this book will
         succinct book is a treasure   possible time!     its observations to be   be the wisest investment
         of observations and result-  This fact directly   noted; and its suggestions   you’ve made. It is family
         oriented suggestions.    addresses, targets, and   seriously considered and   therapy for a modest price.
           Fourth, it presents a   speaks of what is ostensi-  implemented. It must be   KARTIK BAJORIA (The
         very nuanced understand-  bly the most alarming and   read by parents, guardians    Book Review)

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