Page 14 - EW February 2025_Neat
P. 14

Education News

           DELHI                                                           UGC corner office in 2022.
         Controversial revised guidelines                                    Jagdish Kumar’s latest initiative

                                                                           is the draft of a seemingly innocu-
                                                                           ous circular titled UGC (Minimum
                                                                           Qualifications for Appointment
                                                                           and Promotion of Teachers and
                                                                           Academic Staff in Universities
                                                                           and Colleges and Measures for the
                                                                           Maintenance of Standards in Higher
                                                                           Education) Regulations 2025,
                                                                           released for public consultation on
                                                                           January 6, with a feedback deadline
                                                                           of February 5 (extended to February
                                                                           28). These guidelines intended to
                                                                           replace a similar document of 2018,
                                                                           have provoked a national uproar
                                                                           and may well create a constitutional
                                                                           crisis with six opposition-ruled states
                                                                           slamming them as “anti-federal” and
                                                                           infringement of the autonomy of
                                                                           state governments.
         UGC HQ Delhi. Inset: M. Jagdish Kumar                               Under s.10 of the draft, composi-
                                                                           tion of mandatory Search cum Selec-
                  idely believed to be the   tacularly well-remunerated faculty.   tion Committees (SCSC) to shortlist
                  go-to academic of the     Soon after the BJP government   candidates for appointment of vice
         WRSS, BJP leadership at          was sworn-in at the Centre, stu-  chancellors of 520 state universities
         the Centre, Mamadala Jagdish     dents’ demonstrations and incendi-  will be the state Governor appointed
         Kumar, Chairman of the University   ary speeches became normative on   by the Centre, a nominee of UGC
         Grants Committee (UGC), invested   JNU’s verdant 1,000-acre campus in   chairman, and one nominee of the
         with all-important recognition and   the heart of Delhi. Jagdish Kumar’s   university’s apex body (Senate/
         grants dispensing powers to colleges   brief was reportedly to quell the   Executive Council). This is a major
         and universities countrywide, has   “chaos on the campus” and restore   departure from the 2018 guidelines
         a penchant for stirring the prover-  the rule of law.             under which SCSCs comprised three-
         bial hornet’s nest. An alumnus of   Following a campus rally on   five eminent educationists recom-
         IIT-Madras and the University of   February 2016 called by JNUSU to   mended by state governments (for
         Waterloo, Canada, Jagdish Kumar   protest the execution of Afzal Guru,   state government universities) with
         was a low profile professor of electri-  a Kashmiri academic found guilty of   one of them being a UGC representa-
         cal engineering in IIT-Delhi for over   terrorism against the state, Kanhaiya   tive. On the recommendation of the
         a decade until the BJP was swept to   Kumar, a Ph D student and president   SCSC the Governor in his capacity
         power in Delhi in 2014.          of JNUSU was arrested and charged   as ex-officio chancellor appoints the
            Two years later, Jagdish Kumar   with sedition. Subsequently, “never   selected VC.
         was plucked from obscurity and ap-  hesitant” to call in the police to quell   Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Telangana,
         pointed Vice Chancellor of the pres-  students protests and reportedly   West Bengal, and Karnataka have
         tigious Jawaharlal Nehru University   encouraging the growth of ABVP —   strongly opposed the new guidelines
         (JNU), Delhi in 2016, reportedly   the students wing of BJP — within   under which state governments
         with the mission to bring Left wing   two years Jagdish Kumar succeeded   which legislate and fund state uni-
         students and faculty who dominated   in restoring equilibrium on the JNU   versities will have no representation
         this show-piece postgrad university   campus, with the past few years be-  in SCSCs. In effect they have no
         (estb.1969) to heel. The election of   ing of relative calm.      say in the appointment of VCs with
         the BJP and especially “fascist” prime   As a result, at the end of two   Central government officials (state
         minister Narendra Modi was anath-  three-year terms as Vice Chancel-  governor and UGC representative)
         ema to the powerful JNUSU (Jawa-  lor of JNU, ranked among India’s   constituting the majority in SCSCs.
         harlal Nehru University Students’   Top 10 universities under the Union   “Education must remain in the
         Union), subsidised with rock-bottom   education ministry’s NIRF Rankings,   hands of those chosen by the people,
         tuition-cum-residence fees and spec-  Jagdish Kumar was promoted to the   not dictated by Governors acting

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