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Education News

         at the BJP government’s behest,”                                  of class V children can’t read class II
         tweeted Tamil Nadu chief minister   Slipping advantage            texts.
         M.K. Stalin.                                                        Learning outcomes in basic
           The draft guidelines also contain                               arithmetic in the state, which bills
         another controversial provision —     he 14th Annual Status of    itself the Silicon Valley of India, are
         selection of eminent non-academics,   Education Report (ASER)     also dismaying. ASER 2024 indi-
         industry leaders, bureaucrats, and  T2024 published by the highly-  cates that 77.1 percent (against the
         public-sector officials to serve as Vice   respected Pratham Education Foun-  national average of 66.3 percent)
         Chancellors of universities. Tradi-  dation and released on January 28   of rural class III children cannot do
         tionally, university VCs have been   in New Delhi, has bad tidings for the   simple subtraction sums and 79.1
         senior academics with 10 years-plus   southern state of Karnataka (pop.69   percent of class V children cannot
         teaching and/or research experience.   million).                  do simple division sums (cf. 69.3
         With none of India’s universities   This annual survey of primary   percent nationally). Shocking but
         significantly progressing in respected   education assesses the learning   true, the notoriously educationally
         global ranking league tables, official   outcomes of three-16-year-old rural   and industrially backward states of
         thinking is that induction of organ-  children in basic reading and arith-  Uttar Pradesh (class V can’t do divi-
         isation builders and corporate lead-  metic in 26 states and two Union   sion: 68.2 percent) and Bihar (67.5
         ers into higher education institutions   territories. Although ASER 2024   percent) have outperformed Karna-
         whose soft underside is perceived to   reports marginally improved reading   taka whose administrative capital
         be poor institutional management,   and arithmetic levels nationally, Kar-  Bengaluru is the country’s #1 hub of
         will prove a game changer.       nataka, which prides itself on hosting   digital start-ups and unicorns.
           nevitably, academics demur.                                                  ASER 2024 also re-
         I“Innovation, inclusiveness, com-                                            veals that while several
         munity engagement, and institution-                                          states such as West
         building all have their place, but a                                         Bengal, Uttar Pradesh
         university must be headed by an aca-                                         and Himachal Pradesh
         demic,” says Dr. Brajesh Kumar                                               show substantial im-
         Tiwari, associate professor at the                                           provements in reading
         Atal Bihar Vajpayee School of Man-                                           and arithmetic learn-
         agement and Entrepreneurship at                                              ing levels surpassing
         JNU, who writes on higher education                                          pre-pandemic (2018)
         policy. “Like a professor can’t step                                         levels, Karnataka’s
         into the shoes of a CEO, similarly, an                                       remedial education re-
         industry leader or bureaucrat can’t                                          cord is dismal. In 2018,
         do justice to running an academic                                            80.7 percent of class III
         institution,” he says.                                                       children couldn’t read
           “These reforms of far-reaching                                             class II texts; in 2024,
         consequence require wider and    Karnataka primary school children: study in contrast  84.1 percent cannot.
         deeper debate in Parliament, aca-                                              Well-informed
         demia and society. Lumping them   some of India’s top-ranked private   academics in this peninsular state
         under hasty draft guidelines with a   schools and colleges, presents a   believe a causative factor behind this
         30-day feedback window is not the   study in contrast.            phenomenon is deteriorating school
         way to introduce such deep reforms   According to ASER 2024, in this   infrastructure in rural Karnataka.
         which have wide implications for the   southern state, 84.1 percent (cf. the   ASER 2024 reports that 27.7 percent
         future of higher education in India.   national average of 72.9) of rural   of schools in the state don’t provide
         Even though some of the proposed   class III students cannot read class   drinking water, 6.5 percent lack
         reforms have merit, they need to   II level textbooks and 66 percent of   girls toilets, 10.5 percent don’t have
         be thoroughly debated before being   class V students cannot read class   libraries, and ironically for India’s
         implemented,” says a professor of   II texts (cf. 51.2 percent nationally).   most IT-savvy state, 64.2 percent of
         education in a top-ranked Delhi   Shockingly, the learning outcomes of   schools are without a single com-
         undergrad college, speaking on con-  primary/elementary school children   puter.
         dition of anonymity.             in rural Karnataka are worse than   Comments Prof. A.S. Seeth-
           But evidently Mamadala Jagdish   of primary children in educationally   aramu, former professor of educa-
         Kumar is an academic in a hurry.   backward Chhattisgarh where 75.1   tion, Institute of Social & Economic
                          Autar Nehru (Delhi)  percent of class III and 45.6 percent   Change, Bengaluru: “ASER 2024 is a

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