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Education News

         unqualified teachers being appointed    TAMIL NADU                Poyyamozhi, Tamil Nadu’s school
         through bribery and corruption. But,                              education minister announced the
         over 2022-24 TET exams were held   Ill-advised politics           state government’s intent to adhere
         under strict vigilance as a result of                             to s.16 on the ground that the Central
         which since 2022, 46,000 teach-       amil nadu has reaffirmed its   government’s Gazette notification is a
         ers have been appointed with the      commitment to the no-de-    “stumbling block” that would adverse-
         approval of the Calcutta high court.  Ttention policy, ensuring that   ly affect children from socio-econom-
         As a result, the state’s Pupil Teacher   children in classes I-VIII in primary/  ically disadvantaged backgrounds.
         Ratio (PTR) in government schools   elementary schools statewide are pro-  According to Poyyamozhi, children
         which had risen to an alarming 59:1   moted to the next grade regardless of   from EWS (economically weaker sec-
         has improved to 31:1 within the ideal   academic performance. This decision   tions) are already confronted with
         range of 35:1 prescribed by the Right   of the state government refutes the   inadequate access to quality educa-
         of Children for Free & Compulsory   Central government’s recent amend-  tion, socio-economic hardships, and
         Education (RTE) Act, 2009.       ment of the Right of Children to Free   limited resources. Detaining students
             evertheless, academics in    and Compulsory Education (RTE)   from marginalised communities at
         NKolkata rue the neglect of K-12   Act, 2009, which reintroduced exams   young age could discourage them from
         education during the rule of the   for children in classes V and VIII of   continuing their education, and result
         Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress   all  government  and  CBSE-affiliated   in a large number of them dropping
         party and particularly the lost learn-  schools,  and  their  detention,  in  the   out of school.
         ing during the prolonged pandemic   same class if they fail a re-examina-  Poyyamozhi  also  reiterated  that
         lockdown.                        tion.                            under the Constitution, education is a
           “ASER 2024 exposes the govern-                                            Concurrent List  subject
         ment’s utter failure in improving                                           with both the Centre and
         foundational learning for school-                                           states competent to legis-
         children in Bengal. Despite years of                                        late on it, and that the TN
         promises, nearly 70 percent of stu-                                         government has already
         dents still struggle with basic reading                                     opted out of the National
         and math, a damning indictment of                                           Education Policy (NEP)
         the state’s education system. The                                           2020. Therefore the
         marginal improvements in learning                                           Central  government’s
         outcomes reported by ASER 2024                                              Gazette  notification  has
         —mere percentage points — offer                                             no impact on TN’s 37,311
         no real solace, because the overall                                         state government schools
         picture remains grim. Instead of                                            with an aggregate enrol-
         celebrating incremental gains, the                                          ment of 5.47 million stu-
         government must take accountability                                         dents.
         for this crisis and implement urgent,   Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi: dismaying decision  The decision of the
         systemic reforms. Without immedi-                                           DMK government to stick
         ate intervention, an entire genera-   The back  story  of this decision   to this ill-considered woke mandate
         tion risks being left behind due to   is that on December 23, the Central   to refrain from independently testing
         government negligence,” warns    government amended RTE Act Rules   children in classes I-VIII and promote
         Prof. Pabitra Sarkar, former     under a Gazette of India notification   them routinely, has dismayed respect-
         vice chancellor of Rabindra Bharati   re-introducing board exams for chil-  ed educationists in the state. Particu-
         University and former vice chairman   dren in classes V and VIII.   larly, since the experience of the past
         of the West Bengal State Council of   This  notification  over-ruled  s.30   14 years after the RTE Act became op-
         Higher Education.                of the RTE Act which states “no child   erational in 2010. The Annual Status
           A sad requiem for a state that was   shall be required to pass any Board   of Education Report (ASER) 2023 of
         the epicentre of the Bengal Renais-  exam until completion of elementary   the highly respected Pratham Educa-
         sance of the 18th-20th centuries   education”. It also over-rules s.16 of   tion Foundation, which in a departure
         driven by giant intellectual social   the Act which states “no child admit-  from usual practice, tested the learn-
         reformers including Raja Rammohan   ted in a school shall be held back in   ing outcomes of a nationally repre-
         Roy, Satyendra Bose and Rabindra-  any class or expelled from school till   sentative sample of teens in the 14-18
         nath Tagore, the latter Asia’s first   the completion of elementary educa-  age group, reported alarming lack of
         Nobel laureate.                  tion”.                           academic and related competencies
                   Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)  Shortly thereafter, Anbil Mahesh   among them.

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