Page 23 - EW February 2025_Neat
P. 23
Education Briefs
Amazon Future Engineers arships in India from UK universi- semesters, and no backlogs.
The outcomes-driven Career Edge
initiative ties across diverse subjects. Each program builds holistic skills combin-
scholarship is valued at a minimum
New delhi, january 21. In the inaugural of £10,000 (Rs.10.9 lakh) towards ing technical, engineering, and profes-
summit of Amazon’s India’s ‘Careers tuition fees for a one-year postgradu- sional expertise. Through 100+ chal-
of the Future’ program held in Delhi, ate course. For the 2025 admissions lenges, 10 projects, and drill-based
the e-commerce company announced cycle, 21 scholarships are available to practice with over 10,000 lines of
that its Amazon Future Engineers students pursuing diverse academic code, learners gain hands-on experi-
program, launched in 2021, has suc- disciplines within core subjects, two ence in coding, object-oriented pro-
cessfully trained 3 million govern- scholarships are for students under- gramming, databases, and full-stack
ment school students and over 20,000 taking postgraduate studies in justice development.
teachers in 272 districts of eight states and law, and three for aspiring leaders “With a stellar record of 100 per-
countrywide. The program primarily in science and technology, specifically cent placement since inception, this
targets students above class VI resid- STEM disciplines. program equips students with the
ing in tier-2 cities, providing them ac- “Studying in the UK not only multi-skills that the organisations ac-
cess to engaging, multi-lingual learn- grants access to world-class educa- tively seek, preparing them for diverse
ing material in seven Indian languages tion in renowned universities but also roles in a rapidly evolving technology
(Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Kan- immerses students in diverse cultural landscape,” says Pankaj Jathar,
nada, Oriya, and Marathi). experiences and global networks, pre- CEO, NIIT Ltd.
Moreover to empower young paring them to excel in their careers
women in technology, Amazon offers and thrive in a competitive global job UoB Anniversary
500 merit-based scholarships valued market,” said Rittika Chanda Par-
at Rs.2 lakh each over four years, to ruck, Director of Education India, Scholarships
women students enrolled in under- British Council, speaking on the oc-
grad degree programmes in computer casion. New delhi, january 2. On the occasion
science, engineering or related fields. of its 125th anniversary celebrations,
This initiative, aimed at bridging NIIT Career Edge University of Birmingham (UoB) is
the gender gap in the tech industry, rolling out several special scholarships
provides comprehensive support Scholarships for Indian students.
beyond financial aid including men- The anniversary scholarships en-
torship from Amazon employees, New delhi, january 17. NIIT Ltd, the able Indian students to obtain fund-
advanced personalised coding boot well-known digital skills and talent ing ranging from £4,000 to £5,000
camps, and access to personal laptops development company, launched its (Rs.4.3-5.4 lakh) for a variety of post-
to facilitate learning and career devel- ‘Career Edge Scholarship’. graduate Masters degrees programs
opment. Since the launch of Amazon The scholarship provides final-year beginning next September. The uni-
Future Engineer program in 2021, engineering students with in-demand versity is also marking the installa-
the company has enabled over 1,700 skills of Full-Stack software engineer- tion of its new Chancellor Ms Sandie
merit-based internships in India. ing integrated with GenAI, bridging Okoro, OBE with a series of special
the gap between campus and corpo- Chancellor’s Scholarships.
British Council GREAT rate worlds and simultaneously ad- ebrations with these scholarships,
Kicking off UoB’s year-long cel-
dressing placement uncertainties.
Scholarships Of the total fee of Rs.110,000+GST Sandie Okoro said: “I look forward
for the program, scholarship students to marking this year momentous for
Mumbai, january 16. British Council, need to pay only Rs.10,000+GST the staff and students who make UoB
UK’s international organisation for as admission fee, if awarded a full such a wonderful place. Let’s highlight
cultural relations and educational op- scholarship based on their academic the university’s enduring commitment
portunities, announced GREAT Schol- performance and interview. Registra- to diversity and high standards of edu-
arships 2025, in partnership with the tions are open from January 14 with cation, as well as its enormous global
UK government’s GREAT Britain programs commencing by or before impact.”
campaign. GREAT Scholarships will February 28, 2025. Scholarships will Applications for these scholarships
provide students from India the op- be awarded on a first-come, first-serve are now open, with deadlines ranging
portunity to undertake postgraduate basis to BE/B.Tech students with a from May 2025 for specific awards.
studies in the UK in various fields of minimum of 50 percent average in For details visit https://www.birming-
study. classes X-XII, a cumulative score of 50
The programme offers 26 schol- percent and above in the first seven intl-scholarships.