Page 22 - EW February 2025_Neat
P. 22
Education Notes
BIHAR Cabinet secretary enrolment age for class I being dismissed, and the
BPSC 2024 concluded Vandana Dadel announced children to six years start- principal of the school is
suspended with immedi-
ing September 1.
that the Gyanodya scheme
Patna, january 25. 21,581 will implement computer Under the state’s ate effect. Such incidents
candidates have passed education and digital new enrolment policy, will not be tolerated,” said
the 70th Integrated learning in middle schools all government primary Bains, adding that: “the
Combined Competitive at an estimated cost of schools statewide will also education system must
Examination (CCE) 2024 Rs.94.95 crore over six introduce an additional prioritise the well-being
conducted by the Bihar years, from 2024-25 to preschool Sishu Vatika and dignity of all students,
Public Service Commis- 2029-30. program for 5-6 years and any action that under-
sion (BPSC). These results age group children. This mines this principle will
were declared recently RAJASTHAN programme will focus be met with appropriate
following weeks of state- Jaipur Education on foundational literacy, consequences.”
wide protests over alleged numeracy, and cognitive
irregularities. Summit development and also GOA
Held on December 13, Jaipur, january 21. Ad- foster children’s social, Swayampurna Viksit
the BPSC exam ignited dressing a Jaipur Educa- emotional, and physical
protests due to allegations tion Summit, state school growth. This initiative Goa
of a question paper leak. A education minister Madan is designed to provide a Panaji, january 9. In a
fresh test was ordered for Dilawar ascribed pressure “more structured founda- recently issued circular,
12,000 candidates from a of studies and parents’ tion” for early childhood Shreyas D’Silva, under-
Patna exam centre. unrealistic expectations education, and will enable secretary (general admin-
Addressing a press as the main causes behind young learners to adapt istration), asked all heads
conference, BPSC Exami- rising student suicides. to the formal schooling of schools to tune into
nation Controller Rajesh More than 500 students environment before they prime minister Narendra
Kumar Singh said: “Of the participated in the sum- enter class 1. Modi’s Mann Ki Baat
328,990 candidates who mit. monthly radio broadcast
wrote the exam, 21,581 Speaking about a recent PUNJAB and draw inspiration
cleared the preliminary “objectionable” video Corporal punishment from suggestions and best
test, 1,409 candidates of a Chittorgarh school practices broadcast in the
scored negative marks. principal and a woman suspensions programme.
The highest score was 120 teacher that went viral on Chandigarh, january 24. “It is essential to
out of 150; 1,181 candi- social media, Dilawar said Punjab’s school education continually seek inspira-
dates scored above 100, it was a “blot on the educa- department suspended tion and adopt innovative
and 6,344 scored between tion system”. He assured the principal and campus practices from across
90-100.” students that the services manager of the Govern- India, be it from individu-
of the guilty will be soon ment Senior Secondary als, organisations, or state
JHARKHAND terminated. School, Jawahar Nagar, initiatives. This will fur-
Gyanodya for middle college principal, stressed School of Eminence ther our efforts to promote
Renu Joshi, a private
ease of living and ease of
(Boys), Ludhiana for cor-
schools the need to incorporate poral punishment inflicted doing business, propelling
Jamshedpur, january 22. moral education into the upon students for late us toward achieving the
Chaired by chief minis- curriculum. arrival. vision of a Swayampurna
ter Hemant Soren, the “An incident in a Viksit (developed) Goa,”
Jharkhand cabinet ap- ODISHA Ludhiana school where said chief minister Pramod
proved the introduction of New early years students were punished by Sawant, addressing a press
computer-based education the campus manager and conference.
in government middle programs made to carry sand and Swayampurna Goa is
schools under Gyanodya Bhubaneswar, january 21. gravel for coming late has a government-led com-
— an e-learning platform In an official notification come to my notice. This is munity level action plan
launched by the Godda aligned with the mandate completely unacceptable,” to make each and every
district administration in of the National Educa- education minister Harjot village and city in the state
collaboration with Eckova- tion Policy (NEP) 2020, Singh Bains posted on X. self-reliant.
tion and Adani Founda- the Odisha government “Taking strict action, Paromita Sengupta with bureau
tion. has revised the minimum the campus manager is inputs