Page 21 - EW February 2025_Neat
P. 21

According to ASER 2023, 57 percent of the youth test-  THEY SAID IT
         ed couldn’t do simple (three numerals divided by one) di-
         vision sums, 42.7 percent couldn’t read a simple sentence   “We have a public health system that does
         in English, 66 percent couldn’t use a computer and only   not deliver in times of disaster, yet more
         half used a smartphone for education purposes. Although
         ASER 2023 doesn’t report on learning outcomes of teens   money is spent on it than any country
         in the states, the competencies of children in Tamil Nadu   anywhere in the world. And we have an
         are not, if at all, better.                         education system that teaches our children
           Therefore, the state government’s resolve to adhere to   to be ashamed of themselves — in many
         the no-exams, no-detention mandate of the RTE Act has   cases, to hate our country despite the love
         sparked a debate among educationists statewide. Critics   that we try so desperately to provide to them.
         contend that the no-detention policy will compromise   All of this will change starting today, and it
         academic standards by promoting students without en-  will change very quickly…”
         suring they have acquired the foundational learning nec-  US President Donald Trump in his inaugural
         essary for future education. “If a child is unable to keep   presidential address (January 20)
         up, she should be detained for remedial education. Acqui-
         sition of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills up
         to class VIII are extremely important. Promoting children   “The state government is accountable
         without ensuring they have acquired foundational learn-  to its people and the legislature for the
         ing is harmful for the child and not in public interest. It   administration of public universities.
         discourages students from making the effort to learn, and   Excluding the state from the process not only
         demoralises sincere, hardworking children,” says Chen-  disregards the financial and administrative
         nai-based educationist Dr. S. Somasundaram.         contributions of the government but also
            here’s a broad consensus among educationists state-
         Twide that students who fail to meet the required aca-  strikes at the core of the federal structure”
         demic standards should be given an opportunity to access   Dr. M.C. Sudhakar, Karnataka higher education minister,
                                                             on new draft UGC regulations for vice chancellor
         remedial learning. But if they are still found wanting, they   appoinments (January 15, Indian Express)
         should repeat a year in class to strengthen their founda-
         tional learning. The past decade’s experience countrywide
         has shown that while supporting underprivileged children   “Developers of Artificial Intelligence
         through free resources is commendable, over-indulgence   promise to usher in a new age, one where
         and testing laxity is not in the national interest. “Educa-  a bulk of the economically valuable work
         tion should not be politicised. This decision risks doing   is automated. AI is anticipated to surpass
         more harm than good,” warns Somasundaram.           human performance in critical decision-
           Adds S. Kannappan, former Director, School Educa-  making across various fields, including
         tion, Tamil Nadu: “By promoting students without test-  healthcare, research, criminal justice,
         ing, we are essentially producing poorly prepared indi-  education, business, and financial services.
         viduals. This will ultimately affect their future, as they
         won’t secure jobs.”                                 This can result in large scale labour
           It’s a matter of common knowledge that Tamil Nadu’s   displacement, especially at the middle-and
         DMK government is at loggerheads with the BJP/NDA   lower-quartiles of the wage distribution.”
         government at the Centre. “However political animosity   The Economic Survey 2024-25 (January 31)
         need not — and should not — extend to the education of
         innocent children. Empirical evidence accumulated dur-  “The Centre has made the highest-
         ing the past 14 years since the RTE Act came into force,   ever allocation of Rs 1,28,650 crore for
         shows that children’s learning outcomes are going from
         bad to worse. In the circumstance, recklessly promoting   the education sector in Viksit Bharat
         them to higher classes is utterly irresponsible and dam-  Budget-2025…This Budget is a generational
         aging to their own and the interest of Tamil Nadu, which   blueprint to cater to the wholesome
         is losing its tradition of academic excellence as the lat-  requirements of our children and youth —
         est ASER 2024 testifies. Political differences should have   key drivers who will lead from the front in
         their boundaries,” says the vice chancellor of a top-ranked   realising the Viksit Bharat agenda in 2047.”
         Chennai university speaking on condition of anonymity.   Dharmendra Pradhan, Union education minister on the
           Good advice that TN’s DMK government should heed!  Union Budget 2025-26 (X, February 1)
                                  Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)

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