Page 38 - EW February 2025_Neat
P. 38

Cover Story

         RTE Act, 2009. Para-teachers are em-
         ployed by several state governments
         and budget private schools and paid
         20-25 percent salaries mandated for
         government school teachers as per
         Pay Commission prescribed scales.
         This may well be the cause of large
         numbers of children dropping out of
         the school system. Finally and criti-
         cally, UDISE is completely silent on
         the learning outcomes of children in
         India’s 1.47 million schools. In the
         circumstances, one wonders whether
         the fundamental right conferred upon
         all children in the age group 6-14 by
         the RTE Act, 2009 is a right to learn-
         ing or schooling,” comments Dr. A.S.   Seetharamu: para teachers lacuna  Govinda: "fragile education system"
         Seetharamu, the erudite former pro-
         fessor of education at the Institute for   ducing its annual preschool rankings   “For a start, the school infrastruc-
         Social and Economic Change (ISEC),   the same year) prompted NEP 2020 to   ture norms prescribed by s.19 and
         Bengaluru and education advisor to   restructure the vintage 10+2 schooling   the Schedule of the RTE Act are bare
         the Karnataka state government.   system into the new 5+3+3+4 system   minimum by global standards. De-
         P        ROF. SEETHARAMU’S ob-   tory formal ECCE to the school educa-  behind in meeting these minimum
                                          by tagging on three years of manda-
                                                                           spite this some large states are way
                  servations on the lacunae
                                          tion system.
                                                                           standards. The plain truth is that we
                  of UDISE+ 2023-24 de-
                                            In the circumstances, it’s a major
                  serve careful consideration   lacuna of UDISE+ 2023-24 that it fails   have a very fragile education system
                                                                           in 21st century India, with at best only
         by the Union education ministry and   to provide critical ECCE data. More-  1 lakh schools out of 1.47 million com-
         educationists countrywide. Undoubt-  over although the report provides data   parable internationally. Moreover, the
         edly, UDISE freely and frankly pro-  on the number of digitalised libraries,   dropout data in UDISE reports is mis-
         vides a wealth of reassuring informa-  functional electricity, and functional   leading as it only indicates the number
         tion relating to school infrastructure   lavatories, alarming anecdotal sto-  of school dropouts in one year. It is
         and GER in primary-secondary educa-  ries of children countrywide being   not  the  compounded  dropouts  rate
         tion. Yet the report’s failure to include   deprived of these essential facilities   which, according to the NSS (Na-
         data relating to critically important   generates doubts about the inspec-  tional Sample Survey) is over 25 per-
         pre-primary early childhood care and   tion system and data credibility, par-  cent. UDISE+ 2023-224 itself reports
         education (ECCE) under the plea that   ticularly in light of the high numbers   that thousands of schools in most
         the country’s 1.6 million “Anganwadi   of children dropping out of primary,   states of the country don’t have func-
         Centres and standalone pre-primary   secondary and higher secondary edu-  tional computers, internet connectiv-
         education centres run by different kin-  cation (see chart II p.40).   ity, functional separate toilets for girl
         dergartens” fall within the administra-   Dr. R. Govinda, currently J.P.   children and ramps and hand rails for
         tive purview of the Union ministry of   Naik National Fellow for Studies in   special needs children. Unfortunately,
         women and child welfare, is a major   Education and Culture at the Indian   very few educationists believe the data
         deficiency.                      Council for Social Development, Del-  published in UDISE reports and the
            As acknowledged by NEP 2020,   hi, former Vice Chancellor at the Na-  self-congratulatory tone of UDISE and
         ECCE is vitally important to prepare   tional University of Educational Plan-  other government reports is unwar-
         children for formal schooling as chil-  ning  and Administration (NUEPA),   ranted. The reality is that government
         dren’s cognitive capabilities are 80   Delhi and former visiting professor at   spending on education in real terms is
         percent developed by the time they   the Institute of Education, University   declining year-by-year and the learn-
         attain age eight. This belated aware-  of London, and International Institute   ing outcomes gap between the West
         ness of the education establishment   of Educational Planning, Unesco, Par-  and even Bhutan, let alone China,
         (despite EducationWorld convening   is, is also unimpressed by the upbeat   and India is widening year-by-year.
         an international ECCE seminar in   tone and data provided by UDISE+   We have to substantially increase our
         2010 and staging national seminars   2023-24, and reported progress in   expenditure on education, especially
         annually thereafter, and also intro-  primary-secondary education.   foundational and primary education,”

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