Page 39 - EW February 2025_Neat
P. 39

Schools infrastructure provision (%)

           98.3  97.2  95.7  94.7  91.8   89.0   82.4  75.2  57.2  53.9  52.3  36.2  34.4   28.4   10.5

          Drinking  Girls’  Boys’  Hand wash  Electricity  Library  Playground  Medical  Computer  Internet  Ramp and  Kitchen  CWSN  Functional  Solar panel
           water  toilet  toilet  facility             check  facility  facility  handrails  garden  toilet  rainwater
                                                                                     facilities  harvesting
           Source: ‘UDISE+ 2023-24

         says Govinda, whose latest book Pri-                                         97.2 percent with sep-
         mary Education in India: From Com-                                           arate girls toilets; 92
         pulsion to Fundamental Right (Rout-                                          percent with electricity
         ledge) was released last August.                                             etc  —  examination  of
         T        HE INTRODUCTION OF                                                  in India’s most popu-
                                                                                      school infrastructure
                  UDISE+ 2023-24 trumpets
                                                                                      lous states presents a
                  India’s K-12 education sys-
                  tem as “one of the largest in                                       dismaying picture.
                                                                                         For instance in Ut-
         the world with nearly 14.72 lakh (1.47                                       tar  Pradesh  (pop.244
         million) schools, 98 lakh (9.8 million)                                      million), of the state’s
         teachers and 24.8 crore (248 million)                                        255,087 schools, a
         students… which strives to maintain                                          mere 86,115 (33.7 per-
         standards and uniformity across the                                          cent) have functional
         country while giving ample scope for   Karnataka classroom sans furniture & electricity  computers for peda-
         the country’s diverse culture and heri-                                      gogical purposes; only
         tage to grow and flourish”. Yet there is   school; the almost utter neglect of vo-  4,547 have digitally equipped librar-
         no dearth of evidence that the coun-  cational education; nearly 10 percent   ies; 39,012 schools are deprived func-
         try’s education system has been se-  (140,000) schools without electricity;   tional electricity and 12,792 lack func-
         verely damaged by consistent under-  11 percent (161,700) without libraries;   tional toilets for girl children.
         funding, reckless political interference   57 percent (837,900) without comput-  In the notoriously lawless and
         from Central and state bureaucrats   er facility; and 54 percent (793,800)   socio-economically backward state of
         who have sidelined educationists. As   without internet connectivity. This   Bihar (pop.132 million), of the total
         indicated above, UDISE+ 2023-24   latter deficiency in the new age of AI   number of 94,686 K-12 schools, only
         itself  perhaps  unwittingly  furbishes   provoked an anguished editorial in the   17,465 (18 percent) have functional
         considerable evidence of shocking   Times of India (January 2).   computers for pedagogical purposes;
         neglect of India’s huge and high-po-  Although ex facie, the national in-  a mere 1,214 have digitally equipped
         tential human resource.          frastructure provision data provided   libraries; 45,836 (48.4 percent) lack
           For instance, the high percentage   by UDISE+ 2023-24 proclaims na-  functional electricity and 7,415 don’t
         of children not completing primary,   tional  progress  —  98.3  percent  of   have separate girls’ toilets. Other
         secondary and higher secondary   schools equipped with drinking water;   Hindi-belt BIMARU (Bihar, Mad-

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