Page 44 - EW February 2025_Neat
P. 44

Cover Story

         ASER 2024: STATUS QUO ANTE

             s we go to press, the Pratham Education Founda-  The over-long closure of India’s schools during the Co-
         Ation released its Annual Status of Education Report   vid-19 pandemic (2020-21) averaging 82 weeks was stri-
         (ASER) 2024 (pertaining to 2023) on January 30. The re-  dently protested by EducationWorld (see.https://www.
         port assesses the learning outcomes of 5-16 year-old chil-
         dren in basic reading (in their own vernacular languages)   right-now/) to no avail and the issue of remedial education
         and arithmetic. To compile ASER 2024, 650,000 children   has been substantially fudged.
         in 605 rural districts across 26 states and two Union ter-  Children’s learning outcomes as reported by ASER 2024
         ritories were tested by 25,557 Pratham volunteers (mainly   indicate that they have barely recovered to pre-pandemic
         college students and DIET officials).            levels.

          Std V: % children who can read std II texts        Std V: % children who can do division sums

                 Govt           Pvt             All             Govt            Pvt           All
         2014 42.2         62.6             48             2014        20.7            39.3         26.1
         2016 41.7         63               47.9           2016        21.1            38           26

         2018 44.2         65.1             50.5           2018        22.7            39.8         27.9
         2020 38.5         56.8             42.8           2020        21.6            38.7         25.6
         2024 44.8         59.3             48.8           2024        26.5            41.8         30.7

          Five worst performing states in reading          Five worst performing states in arithmetic

          The percentage of std V children in government schools   The proportion of std V children in government schools who
          who could read a std Il level text                could correctly solve a division problem (3-digit + 1-digit)

                  Jammu & Kashmir       21.8%
                       Nagaland         27.1%                              Assam        12%

                 Arunachal Pradesh      27.5%                           Rajasthan       12.3%
                       Telangana        29.3%                             Kerala        12.4%
                       Karnataka        32.8%                           Nagaland        12.7%

                          Assam         32.8%                             Gujarat       13.1%
         Source: ASER 2024

         and the London School of Econom-   On closer reading, UDISE+ 2023-  education (Centre plus states) being
         ics, chair of education economics and   24 clearly reveals the glaring infra-  increased forthwith — from the mean
         international development at Univer-  structure deficit and mis-governance   average of 3.5 percent of GDP of the
         sity College London and incumbent   of the great majority of India’s 1.47   past 75 years — to 6 percent as recom-
         President, City Montessori School,   million  schools  constitutionally  mended by the high-powered Kothari
         Lucknow, which has a massive enrol-  obliged  to  provide  meaningful  and   Commission way back in 1967.
         ment of 62,000 students distributed   enabling education to 248 million   This recommendation (routinely
         over 15 campuses in Lucknow, and is   students, the world’s largest cohort of   endorsed by the election manifestos
         routinely ranked Uttar Pradesh’s #1   school-going children. Well-aware of   of all major political parties but never
         co-ed day school in the annual Edu-  this reality, ab initio your editors have   redeemed) has been supported every
         cationWorld India School Rankings.   been pressing for the annual outlay for   year by a unique  EducationWorld

         44    EDUCATIONWORLD   FEBRUARY 2025
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