Page 46 - EW February 2025_Neat
P. 46


         Youth wellbeing guru                                              and Springdale College, Lucknow
                                                                           with 250 secondary students signing
                                                                           up for it. This program, specially
                                                                           customised for 15-18-year-olds,
                                                                           “inspires young minds to rise above
                                                                           self-defeating tendencies and
                                                                           supports them with an actionable
                                                                           roadmap towards their goal of suc-
                                                                           cess”. Four years later in 2022, Desai
                                                                           ideated the WellSpire curriculum
                                                                           for 10-14 year-olds and last year, the
                                                                           Teacher Wellbeing Program.
                                                                           Direct talk. “WellSpire is the North
                                                                           Star of ConsciousLeap’s programs.
                                                                           It integrates SEL and life skills
                                                                           within the Make YOU Happen
                                                                           framework. This three-year online
                                                                           program awakens wellbeing in
                                                                           young children through self-
                                                                           awareness and self-empowerment.
                                                                           Well-trained counselors and
         Desai (centre): wellbeing through self-awareness and self-empowerment  coaches have contributed to design
                                                                           a journaling-based curriculum to
              ANJAY DESAI is founder-CEO   and awakening,” he conceptualised    enable early teens to understand
              of ConsciousLeap Insights Pvt.   the Make YOU Happen program “to   themselves better through balanced
         SLtd (estb.2013), a Mumbai-      enable people to realise their dreams   introspection, and develop key life
         based company that offers holistic,   embedded in the unconscious by   skills to strengthen aspects of their
         mental well-being and life skills   triggering their consciousness.”   personality, and guide them to create
         programmes to schools.             Initially, experiential Make YOU   practical and effective roadmaps to
           Its flagship programmes are the   Happen workshops were restricted   achieve set goals. Over 50 schools
         Make YOU Happen Program and      to corporates. But over time, with   with 11,000 children have already
         WellSpire for students as also its   school principals and leaders   signed up for WellSpire,” says Desai,
         Teacher Wellbeing Program. Thus   expressing interest in equipping   who recently (2023) registered
         far the company’s programmes have   children with sustainable wellbeing   the ConsciousLeap Wellbeing
         been provided to more than 16,000   and SEL (social and emotional learn-  Foundation to take the company’s
         students and 200 teachers in over 70   ing) skills, Desai resolved to address   programmes to under-privileged
         education institutions countrywide.  the issue of infusing spirituality and   children and youth.
         Newspeg. ConsciousLeap’s latest   mental well-being into the “pedantic   Future plans. With ConsciousLeap’s
         initiative — the Teacher Wellbe-  education system”.              experiential wellbeing programmes
         ing Program — was launched late    “The idea was to highlight the   being enthusiastically welcomed by
         last year (2024) to “reduce teacher   importance of children’s mental and   schools, Desai has drawn up future
         burnout and turnover rates, ensuring   emotional well-being by awakening   expansion plans. “We hope to expand
         continuity and stability in education   their positivity and spirituality. Dur-  our reach to a substantially larger
         delivery”.                       ing this time when I was designing   number of schools this year. We also
         History. A qualified chartered ac-  content for holistic education, I re-  plan to invest in AI-powered chatbots
         countant and alum of the top-ranked   alised it was also important to equip   to provide wellbeing counseling and
         IIM-Bangalore, Desai began his   people with SEL skill-sets to succeed   training to youth and teachers. In
         career at Citibank (1987-2000) fol-  in life and workplaces. That’s when   an increasingly complex world, it’s
         lowed by a 13-year stint as an entre-  we diversified into the education sec-  imperative to provide children and
         preneur during which he co-founded   tor,” recalls Desai, who has authored   youth the skills to develop SEL and
         several start-ups including Mphasis   a graphic novel Jasmine Builds on   well-being to achieve personal and
         Incubation, Aurionpro Solutions and   Shifting Sands (2015).      professional goals. That’s our objec-
         Kairoleaf Analytics. However in 2013   Desai recalls the Make YOU Hap-  tive at ConsciousLeap,” says Desai.
         after 25 years in the corporate sector   pen program was piloted in 2018 in   Wind beneath your wings!
         and following a “spiritual experience   the Riverside School, Ahmedabad,        Mansi Shah (Mumbai)

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