Page 48 - EW February 2025_Neat
P. 48
Management (CAPM) and PMI Agile as the country is emerging as a global
Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP). services hub. Since it was promoted
PMI certifies 19,000 professionals in 1969, PMI has had an outsized
every year. Fees per exam range from impact on setting globally accept-
Rs.12,956-45,920 (for PMI mem- able standards and benchmarking
bers) and Rs.17,220-57,400 (non- best project management practices.
members). PMI certification equips profession-
Newspeg. Last September, PMI als with the skills required to ensure
signed an MoU with the National standardisation, smooth project im-
Skill Development Council (NSDC) plementation and successful comple-
to introduce CAPM into the National tion of often complex projects. PMI
Skill Development Qualification certification is also valuable because
Framework. we validate individuals’ skills and
History. An alumnus of Bharati Vidy- knowledge thereby enhancing their
apeeth Deemed University, Pune and Goyal: most sought-after skill worldwide credibility and career prospects.
Oxford Brookes University (UK), Recently, we launched PMIxAI to en-
Goyal has acquired varied experience head hunt. able project professionals to navigate
in education technology. Beginning Unsurprisingly, Goyal is bullish AI, this generation’s most disruptive
his career as India CEO of Corporate about his new assignment. He technology,” says Goyal.
Education College, a London-based estimates the demand for project Future plans. With PMI globally
online education provider, he served professionals at 2.5 million per reputed and trusted by business
as Vice President, Datawind Ltd year with the project management- professionals, Goyal believes the
where he marketed Aakash computer oriented labour force expected to time has come to offer project
tablets (launched by the Central grow by 33 percent translating into management certification to the
government as the cheapest tab for 22 million new jobs by 2027. China students’ community. “We intend to
students); Head of Education Solu- and India will generate almost 75 sign collaboration agreements with
tions, Samsung India, and Regional percent of the 22 million new jobs, higher education institutions to inte-
Managing Director of edX, the online he says. grate project management into their
learning platform founded by MIT Direct talk. “Project management is college/university curricula. This
and Harvard University. In May one of the most sought-after skills in will enhance student employability
last year, Goyal was appointed MD the world. In India, demand for this manifold,” says Goyal.
(South Asia) of PMI after a global skill-set is particularly pronounced Autar Nehru (Delhi)