Page 64 - EW February 2025_Neat
P. 64


         “Largest NGO for digital learning of Indian art & culture”        income include grants, CSR support,
                                                                           and donations, all transparently
                                                                           disclosed on our website.
              n alum of Delhi University,
              Tina Vachani is Co-founder,                                  One of the major objectives of R2R is to
         ARoutes2Roots, a NGO focused                                      facilitate arts and cultural exchanges be-
         on “spreading peace through cul-                                  tween SAARC nations, especially Pakistan
         tural awareness”. R2R is the first                                and Bangladesh. How satisfied are you
         cultural NGO to be listed on the Na-                              with attainment of this objective?
         tional Stock Exchange’s SSE (Social                               By facilitating art and cultural
         Stock Exchange) platform. Excerpts                                exchanges among SAARC nations,
         from an email interview:                                          especially Pakistan and Bangladesh,
                                                                           we aim to promote mutual under-
         Routes2Roots is described as a NGO                                standing, respect, and cooperation,
         dedicated to promoting Indian art, culture                        ultimately contributing to regional
         and heritage among primary-secondary                              peace and stability. We are fairly sat-
         school students in India and abroad. What                         isfied and proud that we have been
         was the motivation behind promoting R2R                           able to sow the seeds of friendship
         in 2004?                                                          and tolerance through cultural ex-
         Routes2Roots, as the name sug-                                    changes and by demolishing age-old
         gests, means ‘way to our origins’.                                misconceptions and prejudices.
         Our objective is to promote peace
         and harmony around the world. We                                  To all intents and purposes, R2R is a new
         believe that if we can understand   These programs include real-time in-  technologies-driven online education
         and accept diverse cultures, world   teractive digital classes and periodic   enterprise. But the majority of India’s 1.4
         peace will prevail. To make this   visits by our teachers to schools to   million schools are not digitally con-
         happen, we started an exchange of   conduct workshops.            nected. What’s your comment?
         art and culture within India and   ● R2R has established around 4,300   This is a major concern. The digital
         worldwide in 2004. The results were   digital classrooms and taken the   divide is a significant challenge.
         very encouraging, and following this   digital classes to more than 24,000   However, promoting technology-
         experience in 2016 we introduced   classrooms in all districts country-  driven online education is crucial
         this programme in schools with the   wide most of which are in the rural   to reach large numbers of children.
         hope that the next generation will   areas for less privileged students.   Government initiatives like the
         become more tolerant and believe in   Through interactive digital broad-  National Digital Literacy Mission
         an inclusive society.            casts our teachers conduct daily   and the Digital India program have
                                          interactive classes in 16 disciplines   improved digital infrastructure in
         Twenty years later, how satisfied are you   such as Bharatnatyam, Kathak, Hin-  rural areas. By adopting a multifac-
         with the progress and track record of   dustani vocal, Carnatic vocal, tabla,   eted approach involving government
         R2R?                             harmonium, sitar, guitar, keyboard,   initiatives, public-private partner-
         R2R has made significant progress in   flute, theatre, yoga, Punjabi litera-  ships, digital literacy programs, and
         promoting arts and cultural educa-  ture, fun with art, brain develop-  innovative solutions such as distrib-
         tion. Since 2004, R2R has grown   ment, AI-coding and also provide   uting low-cost tablets and laptops
         to impact over 22 million students   NCERT approved K-12 content.   to students and teachers, we can
         worldwide. It is the largest NGO for   ● Moreover, we organise cultural   overcome the challenge of reaching
         digital learning of Indian art and   programs, art exhibitions, and   schools digitally. We reach schools
         culture and recognised as such by   theatre workshops in schools to   lacking last-mile internet connectiv-
         the Limca Book of Records. We have   foster inter-regional tolerance and   ity by providing them with dongles.
         established digital classrooms in all   appreciation of diverse cultures with   We also provide teachers with train-
         districts countrywide including the   special focus on rural and under-  ing to effectively integrate technology
         remotest areas.                  served areas.                    into their teaching practices.
                                          ● R2R provides live interactive
         In multi-lingual and multicultural India,   digital classes, making cultural   What are your future growth and expan-
         art, culture and heritage is very diverse   education accessible to diverse audi-  sion plans?
         and covers a vast expanse. What are the   ences, thereby enriching the lives of   We have just reached about 10
         focus areas of R2R?              millions of children.            percent of the country’s school-going
         R2R focuses on several key areas to                               children, so 90 percent of our work
         promote art, culture, and heritage.   What is the business model of R2R? What   remains to be done. If we add higher
         ● To promote cultural education, we   are the major sources of income and   education institutions, we have a
         offer hybrid education programs that   heads of expenditure?      long way to go. Our work can be
         combine art and music to help stu-  R2R is not a business organisation.   faster if our funds flow improves, but
         dents connect with their roots, and   All our activities are free-of-charge   this is a slow and time-consuming
         become well-rounded individuals.   for beneficiaries. Our sources of   process.

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