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stitution, professional development   ADMISSION & FEES            excellent board exam results. Of the
         training workshops are organised                                  124 students who wrote the CBSE
         regularly,” says Ashish Gulati,   BD Blue Bells Public School is a   class X exam in February 2024, 59
         an alum of Manipal & Manchester   CBSE-affiliated K-12 co-ed day   averaged above 90 percent while
         universities and the top-ranked   school. Admission applications for   the school and CBSE topper Ayshi
         Management Development Institute,   kindergarten-class XI are invited   Gupta averaged 99.4 percent. Of the
         Gurugram, and Vice Chairman of the   round the year. An interview fol-  133 students who wrote the class XII
         Blue Bells Group of Schools       lowed by written test is mandatory   exam, 41 students scored above 90
           Inevitably, sports education is   for class I applicants.       percent.
         accorded high importance. The     Tuition fee (annual): Rs.179,760-  With this 21-year-old school hav-
         school’s impressive sports infrastruc-  209,040                   ing established a formidable reputa-
         ture includes a dedicated cricket   For further information, contact   tion in the national capital region,
         ground, indoor sports arena, a    (Ph):0124-499400/401; Email: bb-  the top management has drawn up a
         football ground, two basketball, six       master plan to “continuously upgrade
         badminton, lawn tennis and vol-                                   and innovate”. “We intend to consis-
         leyball courts, a table-tennis room,                              tently invest in our three critical pil-
         roller-skating rink, separate rooms   ern dance, sculpture among others    lars of learning — pedagogy, holistic
         for yoga, aerobics, chess, carrom and   is also an integral component of the   well-being and technology — to equip
         Taekwondo. Unsurprisingly, Blue   curriculum. In addition, 19 hobby   our learners with future-ready skills
         Bellians have excelled in national   clubs are offered to primary-sec-  and values. Simultaneously our expe-
         cricket, badminton and other inter-  ondary students to promote literary,   rienced faculty is regularly brought
         school tournaments.              creative, technical, and artistic skills.   up to speed with advanced person-
           Co-curricular education — music,   The school’s focus on balanced   alised learning programs to give of
         karate, fine arts, classical and West-  education has paid off by way of   their best,” says Ashish Gulati.

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