Page 44 - EW January 2025
P. 44

Cover Story



         Most educators agree that if used carefully and
         intelligently, AI has massive potential to radically
         impact education by improving teaching practices and
         student learning outcomes

         Ditsa Bhattacharya & Summiya Yasmeen

         • Last March, edtech company Maker Labs installed India’s   academics welcome AI programs for their potential to cus-
         first artificial intelligence (AI) teacher robot named Iris in   tomise learning, automate administrative tasks and enable
         the KTCT Higher Secondary School, Thiruvananthapuram   speedy access to content and knowledge, others are voic-
         to “redefine the learning landscape and push the boundar-  ing concern about capability of generative AI apps such as
         ies of what’s possible in education”.            ChatGPT, Gemini, and Meta AI to upend well-established
         • On November 11, the Punjab and Haryana High Court   teaching-learning traditions, destroy data privacy, and tor-
         issued notice to the top-ranked O.P. Jindal Global Univer-  pedo academic integrity by driving students towards auto-
         sity, Sonipat, to respond to a petition filed by a student for   mated solutions.
         quashing a university committee’s decision that declared   Nevertheless, most educators agree that if used carefully
         him ‘failed’ for submitting “AI-generated” answers in a   and intelligently, AI has massive potential to impact educa-
         term-end exam. The university’s Unfair Means Committee   tion radically by improving teaching practices and student
         had accused Kaustubh Anil Shakkarwar, a Master of Laws   learning outcomes. In its publication Artificial Intelligence
         (LLM) student of its Jindal Global Law School, of submit-  in Education (2024), Unesco says, “AI has the potential to
         A                  I,  THE  NEW  ICT  (INFORMATION   progress towards the United Nation’s SDG (sustainable
                                                          address some of the biggest challenges in education today,
         ting “88 percent AI-generated” responses.
                                                          innovate teaching and learning practices, and accelerate
                                                          development goal) 4” i.e, enabling inclusive and equitable
                            communication technology) break-
                                                          quality education.
                            through — defined as “simulation
                                                             “AI will transform education in two fundamental ways.
                            of human intelligence in machines
                                                          First, every teacher can now have a personal teaching as-
                            that  are  programmed  to  think,
                            learn,  and  solve  problems  in  a
                                                          child in her class and recommend lesson plans to improve
                            manner  similar  to  how  humans
                                                          her learning. Simultaneously, AI will enhance teacher per-
                            do” (ChatGPT) — is the buzzword   sistant that will assist her in tracking the learning of every
         in schools, colleges and universities worldwide. While some   formance by discharging day-to-day tasks and routines and
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