Page 48 - EW January 2025
P. 48
Cover Story
Few school leaders/ teachers have good understanding of AI
How well do you understand what AI tools like ChatGPT are able to do, what they can’t do, and what are the key risks and problems
that come with using them in your school?
School leaders Teachers
Partly 61%
Not at all
Not very Not at all
11% 4%
Very Not very Very
23% 23% 11%
Source: ‘AI Practices in Indian Schools’ — An Association of Indian Principals and DEFactoEd survey (2024)
boards, Central Board of Secondary which have the potential to engineer ni. We are also collaborating with
Education (CBSE), which has 30,480 major advancements in business, IBM to introduce courses in machine
affiliated schools and Council for In- health and agriculture sectors. learning, AI, and blockchain manage-
dian School Certificate Examinations ment for our students. AI is increas-
(CISCE) with 2,891 affiliated schools, AST APRIL, THE top-ranked ingly being applied in all sectors of the
to introduce AI as a subject in the cur- L Mayo College, Ajmer economy with a multiplying number
riculum. CBSE introduced AI in the (estb.1875), became India’s of job roles necessitating usage or in-
academic year 2019-20 as a sixth op- first primary-secondary to teraction with AI. Therefore it’s criti-
tional subject for class IX-XII students inaugurate an AI Applied Lab chris- cal to teach children AI theory and
and in 2023-24 as a ‘skill subject’ for tened the Human Centric Centre of practice. Our AI Applied Lab enables
class VI-XII students. CISCE is all set Excellence for AI and Robotics, on children to learn to build AI systems
to introduce robotics and AI as study its sprawling 183-acre campus. “Our to be prepared for workplaces of the
subjects for classes XI and XII stu- AI Lab hosts latest computers with future,” says Saurav Sinha, an alum
dents from the start of academic year AI software and curriculum provided of Delhi University and London Busi-
2025-26. by Dataviv Technologies, a company ness School and principal of Mayo
According to Unesco, which re- founded by Stanford University alum- College.
leased a AI Competency Framework Sinha: AI lab pioneer Vedant Ahluwalia, the Mum-
for Students Report last September, bai-based promoter-CEO of Dataviv
India is one of 15 countries world- Technologies Pvt. Ltd, which has built
wide which has included AI learning Mayo College’s Applied AI Lab, reiter-
in its national curriculum framework. ates the importance of equipping stu-
The National Education Policy (NEP) dents with AI competency. “AI tech-
2020 mandates all exam boards and nologies such as machine and deep
schools countrywide to introduce AI learning are radically transforming all
and coding in the curriculum in class sectors of the economy including edu-
XI “to equip students with the neces- cation. In Dataviv, our objective is to
sary skills to participate in the digital introduce contemporary AI technolo-
economy and prepare them for the gies in the critically important educa-
jobs of the future”. tion, health and agriculture sectors.
Some forward-looking schools have In education, we are committed to
pre-empted CBSE and CISCE by estab- making children and youth proficient
lishing full-fledged AI labs to give their in understanding, creating and using
students a head-start in becoming ac- AI. In Mayo College’s Applied AI Lab,
quainted with new-age AI technologies children from class IV onward are en-