Page 50 - EW January 2025
P. 50

Cover Story

          ChatGPT on AI in education                      Resource management. AI optimizes the use of school re-

                                                          sources, such as classroom allocation and staffing.
          We asked ChatGPT to briefly sum up AI’s role in education.   Accessibility
          This AI platform’s ad verbatim response is presented   Assistive technologies. Tools like text-to-speech, speech-to-
          hereunder:                                      text, and AI-based sign language translators help students
          “ AI is transforming education by enabling personalized   with disabilities.
                                                          Language support. AI enables real-time translation and sup-
          learning experiences, enhancing administrative efficiency,
          and providing innovative tools for both educators and   ports multilingual education environments.
          students. Here are some key areas where AI is making an   5. Immersive learning experiences
          impact:                                         Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). AI integrates with
          Personalized learning                           VR/AR to create engaging simulations and hands-on learn-
          Adaptive learning platforms. AI-driven platforms like Dream-  ing experiences.
          Box and Khan Academy tailor educational content to each   Gamification. AI enhances gamified educational content to
          student’s needs, pace, and learning style.      make learning more interactive and enjoyable.
          Custom feedback. AI tools provide immediate feedback on   Data-driven insights
          assignments and suggest resources to address individual   Student progress tracking. AI analyzes performance data to
          weaknesses.                                     provide actionable insights for teachers and parents.
          Language learning. Applications like Duolingo use AI to adapt   Curriculum improvement. AI can identify gaps in curriculum
          lessons and exercises to the learner's progress.  effectiveness and suggest enhancements.
          Enhanced teaching tools                         Ethical and security considerations
          Automated grading. AI can grade multiple-choice tests and   Privacy concerns. AI in education must address issues related
          even some essays, saving educators time and reducing   to student data protection.
          workload.                                       Bias in AI. Ensuring AI systems are equitable and unbiased is
          Content creation. Teachers can use AI to generate lesson   crucial for fair educational opportunities.
          plans, quizzes, and other teaching materials.   Challenges and future trends
          Virtual tutors. AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT can assist   Integration. Adopting AI technologies requires training for
          students with homework and answer questions in real-time.  educators and infrastructural investments.
          Administrative efficiency                       Human-AI collaboration. Striking the right balance between AI
          Student enrollment and scheduling. AI systems streamline ad-  tools and human teaching is essential.
          missions, course scheduling, and other administrative tasks.  Lifelong learning. AI is expected to play a significant role in
          Predictive analytics. AI helps institutions identify students at   facilitating continuous learning for individuals across all
          risk of dropping out and take proactive measures.   stages of life. ”

         gaged in hands-on learning to build AI                            such as Mayo College (and DPS, Ban-
         models using our specially designed                               galore North) have taken the lead in
         software  and  latest  algorithms.  It’s                          introducing it as a curricular subject,
         very encouraging that Mayo students                               there’s widespread ignorance within
         have successfully completed advanced                              the teachers’ community about AI and
         AI projects within a year of setting up                           its potential to revolutionise teaching-
         this  lab.  If  our  children  and  youth                         learning in K-12 education.
         have  to  be  prepared  for  the  future,                           A recent (September) survey titled
         they need hands-on learning to be-                                AI Practices in Indian Schools con-
         come generators and contributors to                               ducted by the Association of Indian
         the AI revolution rather than remain                              Principals  and  DEfactoED,  a  UK-
         mere  consumers,”  says  Ahluwalia,                               based digital education company, con-
         a  highly  qualified  computer  science                           cluded that the great majority of gov-
         grad of Rochester and Stanford uni-                               ernment and private school principals
         versities who served as an associate   Ahluwalia: generation necessity  and teachers have a “poor understand-
         at the White House during President                               ing of generative AI tools or other AI
         Obama’s  tenure  followed  by  short   Labs in education institutions across   tools to support teaching practices”.
         stints at Coursera, Systems Trading   the world within the next 12 months.  According to the survey, a mere 23
         and UNDP before returning to India   While NEP 2020 has mandated the   percent of school leaders have “strong
         in 2022 to promote Dataviv. Dataviv’s   inclusion of AI study in school curric-  knowledge of AI” while only 11 percent
         target is to establish 100 Applied AI   ulums and some progressive schools   of teachers said they fully understand

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