Page 52 - EW January 2025
P. 52

Cover Story

          Most popular AI-driven education apps           AI Question Paper Generator. Teachers can feed in the chapter
                                                          or text content and specify the type of questions: multiple-
          Personalized learning                           choice, descriptive, coding-based questions or queries.
          Khan Academy. Offers AI-powered personalized learning   The app will generate a question paper tailored to the target
          paths.                                          audience and skill set to be assessed.
          DreamBox Learning. An adaptive math program tailored to   Accessibility and inclusion
          individual student needs.                       Read&Write by Texthelp. Provides text-to-speech, word predic-
          Edmodo. Combines AI with social learning to enhance class-  tion, and more for students with learning disabilities.
          room collaboration.                             Microsoft Immersive Reader. AI-powered reading tools for
          Language learning                               improved accessibility.
          Duolingo. Uses AI to personalize lessons and track progress   Classroom collaboration and engagement
          in languages learning.                          Nearpod. AI-driven interactive presentations and assess-
          Babbel. Focuses on conversational skills with AI-enhanced   ments.
          feedback.                                       Classcraft. A gamified learning platform that uses AI to moti-
          Elsa Speak. An AI-based app for improving pronunciation and   vate and engage students.
          speaking fluency.                               Career guidance
          Tutoring and assistance                         Coursera. AI recommends courses based on career aspira-
          Brainly. AI-powered homework help with community and   tions and learning history.
          expert support.                                 LinkedIn Learning. Provides tailored skill-building suggestions
          Photomath. An app that uses AI to solve math problems by   using AI insights.
          scanning them with a camera.                    STEM learning tools
          Quizlet. Employs AI to create customized study sets and   Labster. Virtual labs powered by AI for science and engineer-
          adaptive quizzes.                               ing education.
          Content creation and enhancement                Tynker. An AI-based coding platform for children.
          Knewton. Personalizes content delivery to students based on   Others
          their learning style.                           ChatGPT. It’s the go-to chatbot for students to get instant and
          Google Classroom. Integrates AI to streamline assignment   detailed explanations on a wide range of topics.
          distribution and grading.                       Perplexity AI. Similar to ChatGPT but with an added advan-
          Turnitin. Employs AI for plagiarism detection and feedback on   tage, Perplexity provides references for further information,
          writing.                                        aiding students in deep research.
          Assessment and Feedback                         Gemini: Developed by Google, its advanced AI capabilities
          Gradescope. AI-assisted grading for assignments and exams.  enhance teaching, learning, and administrative processes.
          Socratic by Google. An AI app that helps students solve prob-  Copilot. Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered assistant which
          lems and understand concepts.                   assists in content generation, assessment, data insights,
          EdTech Assessment Tools. Platforms like Proctorio and Exam-  among others.
          Soft use AI for proctoring and exam integrity.                      Source: ChatGPT & EW Research

         customised content for children with   potential to quickly provide quality of   GDP rut since independence, despite
         learning disabilities such as dyslexia,   education for all,” says Rakshit, who   several government committees start-
         to make education truly inclusive. AI   in recent years has focused on AI secu-  ing from the Kothari Commission in
         can rapidly expand the pool of quali-  rity spearheading initiatives in AI ‘red   1967 to most recently NEP 2020 rec-
         fied teachers by providing coaching on   teaming’  and  trustworthy  machine   ommending it is doubled to 6 percent
         mass scale. By reducing their admin-  learning.                   of GDP.
         istrative burden, AI reduces teachers’   Indisputably, new wonder AI tech-  Until this first step of substantially
         workload  freeing  them  to  focus  on   nologies  are  all  set  to  precipitate  a   raising investment in public education
         teaching-learning,  thus  improving   knowledge revolution worldwide. But,   is taken, AI-enabled teaching-learning
         their  job  satisfaction  and  retention.   for AI empowered technologies to be-  is  an  unlikely  prospect  in  the  vast
         It can test and diagnose learning defi-  come a reality in India’s 1.4 million   majority of India’s primary-second-
         cits of every student in real-time and   schools — especially 1.2 million gov-  ary schools. And this will widen the
         provide  educators  lesson  plans  for   ernment schools — requires substan-  knowledge and learning gap between
         remedial teaching. Therefore there’s   tial  investment  in  IT  infrastructure   India and developed OECD/fast-track
         an urgent national necessity to train   and teacher training. Unfortunately,   countries of south-east Asia, nullifying
         teachers  to  use  AI  technologies  ef-  India’s public spending on education   India’s much proclaimed demograph-
         fectively and responsibly. AI has the   has been mired in the 3-3.5 percent of   ic dividend.

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