Page 47 - EW January 2025
P. 47

School leaders endorse greater use of AI technologies

            Does your school make use of AI technology to aid in teaching   Should your school make more use
               and/or running the school (e.g, to assist with marking,   of AI technology to aid in teaching
                automated tutoring, developing the timetable etc)?    and/or in running the school?

                      No                                            Yes
                      51%                                          77%

                                                                                          Don’t know
                                          49%                                         No

           Source: ‘AI Practices in Indian Schools’ - An Association of Indian Principals and DEFactoEd survey (2024)

         “tremendous enthusiasm” within the   teachers precious time from attending   learning outcomes,” says Balasubra-
         teachers’ community about introduc-  admin  duties,  thus  improving  their   manyan.
         ing AI in their classrooms. “In today’s   teaching efficiency” says D’Monte.    Moreover,  Balasubramanyan  be-
         digital age where learning deficit feed-                          lieves  that  fear  about  AI  replacing
         back is instant, enabling customised      CCORDING TO MANJU       teachers  is  unwarranted.  “Technol-
         learning programs, teachers and stu-  A   BALASUBRAMANYAN,        ogy constantly upgrades itself mak-
         dents are enthused about using AI in      principal  of  the  CBSE-  ing learning and knowledge acquisi-
         classrooms. Application of AI in edu-     affiliated  Delhi  Public   tion more convenient and accessible.
         cation has precipitated a shift from   School, Bangalore North, which has an   ChatGPT is an improved version of
         one-size-fits-all teaching to custom-  enrolment of 7,500 students and 450   Google Search. But even as technol-
         ised education. For instance, since we   teachers, one of AI’s greatest benefits   ogy  evolves  teachers  will  remain  a
         started using AcadAlly, our teachers   is  instant,  real-time  student  assess-  constant in K-12 education. The pan-
         have been able to identify every stu-  ment. “Through automated MCQ-type   demic made us aware that teachers
         dent’s learning deficit in every subject   questions AI enables real-time assess-  are  irreplaceable  and  that  children
         and customise lesson plans for strug-  ment and identification of the learn-  learn and grow best in the school en-
         gling students while providing stimu-  ing deficit of every child. Thereafter,     vironment,” she adds.
         lating and enriched learning pathways   AcadAlly recommends individualised   The potential of AI to precipitate
         for gifted children. Instant feedback   programs for remedial education. This   a great productivity leap forward not
         on  their  learning  gaps  has  enabled   is invaluable for teachers who can use   just in education but in all sectors of
         our students to self-correct and self-  this data to prepare customised learn-  the economy, has prompted India’s
         direct their learning. AI has also saved   ing paths for students to improve their   premier national school examination
         D'Monte: teacher efficiency benefit              Balasubramanyan: unwarranted fear

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