Page 46 - EW January 2025
P. 46
Cover Story
ing platforms to sharply improve stu-
dents’ learning outcomes. Tools such
as Alexa for Education and Google’s
AI-powered grading systems are dis-
charging routine tasks of teachers
and drawing up personalised learn-
ing paths for students based on indi-
vidual learning assessments, enabling
teachers to provide personal attention
to every learner. A government school
in Kerala has recently introduced Al-
exa in the classroom for minor in-
structional purposes. Iris, India’s
first AI-generated saree-clad school
teacher robot, has also been unveiled
in a school in the state,” wrote Dr. Pil-
lai in a recent (June 2024) essay for
EducationWorld (
for-the-new-ai-age/). AcadAlly co-founders Agarwal & Prakash (centre) with team: enthusiastic feedback
E SPECIALLY AFTER the every student’s progress. A promis- AcadAlly launched its LEAP program
According to Prakash, since
ing AI edtech company is AcadAlly
prolonged Covid pandem-
ic education lockdown
breakthrough Learning Engine for As-
feedback from principals and teach-
during which all learning (estb.2022) which has designed a last April, there’s been enthusiastic
moved online, there’s been a steady sessments and Progress (LEAP) pro- ers of over 30 partner schools. “School
rise in the number of schools using gram that uses AI to improve student leaders and teachers have welcomed
AI to automate the administrative learning outcomes. AI as it offers never-before real-time
tasks of teachers such as marking at- “AcadAlly’s prime objective is to assessment of every child in every
tendance and timetabling. This has remedy every student’s learning defi- subject to determine her learning
dramatically improved teacher pro- cit and improve learning outcomes by deficit. Based on instant assessment,
ductivity and efficiency. AI programs providing AI-enabled remedial solu- AcadAlly suggests remedial action
for student assessment and recom- tions. LEAP uses AI to assess every to teachers to provide customised
mendation of remedial lessons have child’s learning deficit through real- remedial education to every child.
also become popular with educators. time assessment and recommends re- Simultaneously, automation of teach-
TeamLease Edtech’s report Revolu- medial action to her teacher. We also ers’ routine admin tasks allows edu-
tionising Classrooms: The Impact of provide AI-generated learning and cators to focus on what they do best
Generative AI on the Future of Edu- gamified content to facilitate teach- — teaching and mentoring. AcadAlly
cation (2024) says that 64.87 percent ing. Detailed dashboards are created provides teachers with actionable in-
of 6,313 educators interviewed coun- for every child to enable principals, formation and support that improves
trywide acknowledge AI’s potential in teachers and parents to monitor her teaching efficiency. Over the past two
“transforming learning experiences progress to make informed decisions years AcadAlly has improved students’
and enabling personalised education”. and provide remedial programs for learning outcomes in partner schools
To meet rising demand for AI prod- laggard children. Our mission is to by an average 65 percent. The fear that
ucts and services in education, a new free and empower teachers to teach AI will replace teachers is unfounded
genre of AI-focused edtech companies and improve the learning outcomes as remedial education and mentoring
have sprung up worldwide and in In- of every child,” says Ridhi Agarwal, has to be provided by human teach-
dia. Harnessing AI technologies these an alumna of the Shri Ram College of ers. AI cannot replicate the emotional
companies are innovating products/ Commerce and Delhi School of Eco- intelligence, guidance, and inspira-
apps that customise learning pro- nomics who co-founded AcadAlly in tion provided by live teachers,” says
grams to augment the learning out- 2022 together with Yash Prakash, Prakash.
comes of every child, automate teach- an engineering graduate of Southamp- Desmond Jude D’Monte, prin-
ers’ administrative tasks, and offer ton University, UK and management cipal of the CBSE-affiliated Litera Val-
supplementary education through postgrad of Illinois Institute of Tech- ley School, Patna, confirms that far
audio-visual content, while tracking nology, Urbana-Champaign, USA. from fear of losing their jobs, there’s