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school by government, this “learning                                           additional ODM
         space” cannot be affiliated with any                                           schools in Bhu-
         national or state government exami-                                            baneswar (2022),
         nation board. Senior students write                                            Ranchi (2023),
         the Cambridge IGCSE and A level                                                Durgapur (2023),
         exams as private candidates. “Several                                          Angul (2024) —
         of our graduates have been admitted                                            all educationally
         into prestigious universities such as                                          under-served cities,
         Ashoka, Oxford and MIT, Boston,”                                               and most recently
         she says.                                                                      in Gurugram
         Future plans. Encouraged by enthu-                                             (2024). Minaketan
         siastic public response to this hands-                                         also manages the
         on learning approach, the school’s                                             Utkal Gourav In-
         evangelist promoters are set to inau-                                          ternational School
         gurate a second campus at Nande, 5                                             which offers free-
         km from DLRC, Susgaon, which will   Minaketan: multi-skilled educator          of-charge education
         become operational in May this year.                                           to poor, destitute
         The entire senior school — classes   baneswar is ranked among India’s   and tribal children.
         IX-XII — will be shifted to the new   Top 10 day-cum-boarding schools   Direct talk. “All ODM schools offer
         campus which will be fully compliant   and #2 in Odisha while the ODM   quality English-medium education
         with CBSE and Cambridge affiliation   Global School is ranked among Bhu-  with a balanced mix of academics,
         by-laws and as such will be a govern-  baneswar’s Top 5 co-ed day schools.  extra-curricular and sports educa-
         ment recognised school. “As our   History. An English and education   tion. I firmly believe that English-
         name suggests, at DLRC our campus   graduate of Ravenshaw College,   medium education is the best
         library and labs are open to the wider   Cuttack who pressed on to acquire   passport for social upward mobility
         community. Every neighbourhood   law and MBA degrees from Utkal   and can break all caste, class and
         deserves a DLRC,” says Meenakshi.    University, in March 1989, Dr. Mina-  religious barriers,” says Minaketan.
           God speed.                     ketan began his career in education   Also a social activist, he has
                          Paromita Sengupta  teaching children in the red light   established three free-of-charge
                                          areas of Bhubaneswar. A year later in   schools/institutes for tribal children
         Determined educator              1990, he started the first ODM Public   and women and a health centre in
                                                                           Odisha. Despite this round-the-
                                          School in a three-room rented house
                                          with an enrolment of three children.   clock activism, Minaketan has also
              ducationist, philanthropist,   To fund the school, he practised law   authored 32 books on education,
              and wellness evangelist     during the day and dedicated his   health and motivation under his ‘You
         EDR. SATYABRATA                  evenings to running the school. Hav-  Can’ series. A committed nature cure
         MINAKETAN is founder-chairman    ing studied in a vernacular — Odia   enthusiast he has also established
         of the Bhubaneswar-based ODM     medium school and having experi-  Healthville, a premium yoga and
         Educational Group, comprising    enced considerable communication   nature hospital “serving people from
         eight institutions including six   difficulties, he resolved to provide   all economic backgrounds.”
         schools — ODM Public School and   English medium education which   Future plans. With the group’s new-
         ODM Global School (Bhubaneswar);   he considers India’s “sole acceptable   est Cambridge (UK)-affiliated ODM
         ODM Sapphire Global School,      link language”. Moreover disillu-  International School, Gurugram,
         Ranchi; ODM International School,   sioned with the inefficiencies of post-  having admitted its first batch of
         Durgapur; ODM International      independence socialism he promoted   students in the past academic year
         School, Angul, and ODM           the ODM B-school to “propagate free   (2024-25), Minaketan is bent on
         International School, Gurugram — a   enterprise ideology.”        taking his K-12 education philosophy
         preschool (Kids World) and ODM     With the CBSE-affiliated ODM   and expertise beyond Odisha and
         Business School. Together, the ODM   Public School quickly establishing a   eastern India. Gurugram in Delhi
         institutions have 15,000 students   good reputation in Bhubaneswar for   NCR hosts some of the country’s
         mentored by 1,500 teachers on their   dispensing high-quality, balanced   most capital-intensive international-
         musters.                         education and the ODM Business   ly affiliated primary-secondaries in-
         Newspeg. In the latest Educa-    School raising his public profile, 13   cluding Heritage Xperiential and the
         tionWorld India School Rankings   years later, in quick succession he   Shiv Nadar School. But Minaketan is
         2024-25, ODM Public School, Bhu-  masterminded the promotion of   confident about ODM International’s

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