Page 56 - EW January 2025
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         Extraordinary educators                                           the Aurobindo-inspired Mirambika
                                                                           School (‘a profound experience”).
                                                                           Two years later, when Ajay was
                                                                           transferred to Singapore, Meenakshi
                                                                           taught at the Singapore American
                                                                           School (2007-09), “perhaps the most
                                                                           well-resourced school worldwide”.
                                                                           In 2009, the experienced duo took a
                                                                           sabbatical in Bali, Indonesia where
                                                                           both worked for the now globally re-
                                                                           puted Green School which was then
                                                                           in its nascent years — Ajay in busi-
                                                                           ness development and Meenakshi
                                                                           in teacher training and curriculum
                                                                             In 2014 the couple moved back to
                                                                           India and settled in Pune. After their
                                                                           daughter Anjali expressed a wish to
                                                                           be home-schooled, they decided to
                                                                           put their experience of K-12 educa-
                                                                           tion acquired in the US, Singapore,
         DLRC founders Meenakshi, Ajay & Pavan Iyengar (centre): inventive experiential learning  and Bali to use and together with
                                                                           social activist Pavan Iyengar started
                 EENAKSHI AND AJAY        were showcased. The DLRC manage-  DLRC in 2015 with seed funding of
                 DALMIA, and PAVAN        ment estimates the number of visitor   Rs.1 lakh each.
         MIYENGAR are the highly-         footfalls at the Decade Fair at 1,300.   Direct talk. “DLRC is driven by the
         qualified co-founders of Drive   History. In 1994, Meenakshi (nee   core philosophy of experiential
         Change Learning and Resource     Garg), a physics graduate of Calcutta   learning involving head, heart, and
         Centre (DLRC, estb. 2015), a unique   University, contracted a “traditional   hands. Our children learn by work-
         K-12 “learning space” that may   arranged marriage” with Ajay Dal-  ing in fields, and learn carpentry,
         well redefine schooling through   mia, a business management gradu-  welding, plumbing, and toy-making
         its inventive, experiential learning   ate of Michigan University (USA)   among other skills at our design lab
         model strongly connected with    employed at the Detroit head office   from youngest age. Moreover, the
         nature and natural habitats.     of Pitney Bowes, a transnational   school’s Enrichment Clubs enable
           Since DLRC admitted its first   company engaged in SaaS shipping   children to explore subjects such as
         batch of two children ten years ago in   solutions, mailing innovations, and   mosaic art, cooking, music, robotics,
         a rented bungalow, enrolments have   financial services to clients world-  theatre, dance and a variety of sports
         risen to 300 students mentored by   wide. Soon after their marriage, she   and games including football, vol-
         50 facilitators (teachers) prompting   moved to Detroit, USA, the automo-  leyball, and kabaddi. All this together
         the promoter-managers to migrate   biles manufacturing hub of America,   with well-planned and structured
         the school to an eco-friendly one-  where she graduated with a degree   academics. The campus design is
         acre farm-style campus in Susgaon,   in automotive design. In the subse-  eco-friendly with bio toilets, bio-
         formerly a suburb of Pune (pop. 7.3   quent years she acquired Bachelors   gas, vermicompost, and rain water
         million), which has expanded into   and Masters degrees in education   harvesting systems. Children learn in
         Maharashtra’s second largest indus-  from Boston University and gained   open classrooms without doors and
         trial city after Mumbai.         valuable experience teaching in the   windows to experience nature’s sea-
         Newspeg. Last November, DLRC     American public school education   sons as they learn. The syllabus we
         celebrated its tenth anniversary with   system (2001-2004).       teach is not novel. The differentiating
         a Decade Fair, a three-day festival   In 2005 to provide solace and   factor is how we teach, immersing
         during which students and facilita-  comfort to her father following the   children in nature and with a strong
         tors’ work exhibits, learning stations,   death of her mother, the couple   emphasis on continuous teacher
         unique activities such as carpentry,   moved to Delhi where Ajay helped   development. The teacher pupil-ratio
         embroidery, toy shows, cultural   set up the India office of Pitney   is 1:12 to ensure personal attention
         performances, and ‘Chai & Why’, a   Bowes while Meenakshi served as   to every child,” says Meenakshi.
         unique subject cafe for educators,   a parent volunteer and teacher at   As DLRC is not a ‘registered’

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