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         future prospects. “Over the past 25                                         NCR, Punjab, Karnataka
         years, we have acquired sufficient ex-                                      and Jharkhand have
         perience of providing highest quality                                       signed up with VIL.
         school education. Establishing ODM                                          Direct talk. “Our VOS
         International in Gurugram will be a                                         teaching pedagogy is
         test and great learning opportunity.                                        wholly experiential,
         Every child in the country has the                                          without lectures. Learn-
         right to equal opportunity in educa-                                        ing concepts are intro-
         tion. My mission is to try my best to                                       duced through physical
         make that a reality,” says Minaketan.                                       learning tools, mobile
           Wind beneath your wings!                                                  apps, multimedia videos
                              Dilip Thakore                                          and power point presen-
                                                                                     tations. Students engage
         Experiential learning            Gupta: wholly experiential pedagogy        in prescribed activities
                                                                                     and discover concepts
         innovator                        Moreover, all teachers (100 percent)   are introduced much later. In short,
                                                                                     on their own. Books
                                          reported improvement in students'   students first learn by doing and
               INESH GUPTA is the Delhi-  interest levels and conceptual learn-  study theory later. Learning is also
               based founder-CEO of Vikalp   ing capability.               enabled by our positive 1:6 teacher-
         DIndia Pvt. Ltd (VIL, estb       History. An alum of Jawaharlal Ne-  student ratio which helps teachers
         2010), an edtech company which   hru University (JNU), Delhi Univer-  to pay individual attention to each
         over the past 15 years has leveraged   sity and Asian College of Journalism,   child. Moreover, VOS teachers are
         the power of technology and the   Chennai, Gupta began his career   intensively trained and enabled by
         research expertise of eminent    as a journalist in Tehelka, building   AI-driven technologies. As a result,
         educators to develop a well-designed   a good reputation in high-quality   the quality of teaching-learning is far
         experiential learning program    education reporting. After working   ahead of traditional schools where
         for K-12 education that has been   with Tehelka for three years, he ven-  students are taught using the black-
         successfully implemented in 300   tured into the textbooks publishing   board and textbooks,” says Gupta.
         private schools countrywide.  In   industry with the mission to make   Annual tuition fees range between
         2018, Vikalp India promoted Vikalp   school textbooks easy and enjoyable   Rs.25,000-57,000.
         Online School (VOS) which provides   for children.                Future plans. Gupta is aware that
         activities-based online schooling   “But I soon realised that the era   for online education to become the
         to over 5,000 K-12 students in   of textbooks learning was over,” he   acceptable alternative to bricks-
         India, Europe, US and the Middle   recalls. In 2010, Gupta together with   and-mortar school education, VOS
         East. Taught by 58 dedicated     JNU acquaintance and Indian School   needs to become acceptable beyond
         VOS teachers, these students are   of Business, Hyderabad graduate   Indian boundaries. “Currently, we
         given the option of choosing the   Neha Chowdhry, invested Rs.3.5   are limited to offering our online
         NIOS (National Institute of Open   crore (from their personal savings)   learning to English-speaking
         Schooling) or CBSE board for their   to promote Vikalp (‘alternative’ in   countries. But I believe there is an
         class X and XII board examinations.   Hindi) India Pvt. Ltd to develop   opportunity to offer our English
         Newspeg. Last August, a New York-  “innovative experiential pedagogies   language curriculum to non-English
         based assessment agency, Acumen   for maths, science and language   speaking countries by using new
         Academy, conducted a lean data   learning”.                       instant language translation digital
         study, interviewing VOS  parents   The  business model of the com-  technologies. Moreover, we are
         and teachers to assess the impact   pany was — and remains — estab-  finalizing a high-potential project
         of the online school on students   lishing maths, science and language   to provide a lifelong learning
         and teachers. The study revealed   learning laboratories in partner   companion for every student. This
         that 80 percent of parents reported   schools and training teachers to put   AI-driven companion will be fully
         improvements in their children’s   them to best use. Schools that sign   aware about the student’s interests
         exam scores; 83 percent parents ob-  up with VIL pay the company Rs.750   and goals and will build on this
         served improvement in their child's   per student annually to avail experi-  knowledge to help her decide what to
         quality of life; 95 percent observed   ential learning to enhance students’   learn, where and how,” says Gupta.
         an increase in students' capabil-  learning outcomes in these core sub-  Wind in your sails!
         ity to enhance learning outcomes.   jects. Currently, 300 schools in Delhi         Paromita Sengupta

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