Page 117 - EW November 2024
P. 117
based Haldiram Educational Society
promoted by sweets and condiments
behemoth Haldiram Snacks Pvt. Ltd
(annual revenue: Rs.6,300 crore).
CBSE’s mandate apart, a con-
tributory factor prompting the GSH
initiative was the job and financial
losses suffered during the Covid
pandemic by families in the local
community. Consequently, under its
CSR (Corporate Social Reponsibility)
initiative to “enable and empower
the community around Gyanshree
School through skills training”, the
Haldiram Skill Academy/ Gyanshree
Skill Hub was ideated and estab-
lished. To get GSH rolling in quick
time, the management invested
Rs.10 crore to repurpose a 40,000 Manohar Lal Agarwal (right): employability boost initiative
sq. ft auditorium on campus to house
GSH on two floors. Educational Society and Haldiram establish the Gyanshree Skill Hub to
“The objective of GSH is to Snacks Pvt. Ltd. dispense skills training programmes
provide professional skills training According to Rita Kapur, to our students and also fulfill our
programmes and enhance the em- Founder-director, Gyanshree School, objective of community outreach by
ployability of students and youth. As GSH presents a model and road- providing local youth sustainable
the NEP 2020 rightly recommends, map to other schools to achieve the skills-to-jobs programmes. I strongly
integrating skills training with aca- twin objectives of integrating VET advise schools to sign up for the
demics is the prerequisite of boost- into mainstream education, as well CBSE Skill Hub programme to im-
ing employment and employability. as supporting the local community prove employability of our students
Moreover at GSH, we intend to through employment-oriented skills and help our country achieve the
provide Gyanshree School students training programmes. “Gyanshree is NEP 2020 target of skilling at least
opportunities to learn vocational the first school in Delhi NCR to sign 50 percent of our youth,” says Kapur.
skills as well,” says Manohar Lal up for CBSE’s Skill Hub scheme. This COURSES. In light of Haldiram’s
Agarwal, Chairman of Haldiram scheme gave us the opportunity to 87-years invaluable experience and
expertise in the sweets and condi-
Multi-cuisine cook course students
ments business, GSH’s inaugural
three-month course was in ‘multi-
cuisine cook’ divided into Indian
sweets, bakery & confectionery, and
street food modules. To ensure and
maximise practical learning, the
management has invested in three
state-of-the-art air-conditioned
kitchens, an F&B service station and
model restaurant, and has recruited
top-notch faculty headed by chef
Jiten Acharya who has over three
decades of industry experience.
Open to class X and XII students, the
course is certified by CBSE-NSDC
(Skill India).
The second course in fashion tech-
nology is designed in collaboration
with the Gurugram-based Apparel
Training & Design Centre (ATDC),