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lions of free India’s citizens   his growing reputation as
         were plunged into poverty.   a popular economist, and   EVERY CHILD CAN: RIVERSIDE
           Paradoxically, as      makes a strong case for    SCHOOL'S DESIGN-LED APPROACH
         Sharma recounts in this   developing countries to   TO EMPOWER CHILDREN
         engaging book, communist   reduce government spend-  Kiran Bir Sethi, Mohanram
                                                             Gudipati and Apoorva Bhandari
         countries have emerged   ing to control inflation and
         as the best practitioners   take the capitalist road   HARPER DESIGN
         of capitalism. In 1978,   to fulfill the material and   Rs.599               Pages 208
         Secretary-General Deng   moral aspirations of their
         Xiaoping abandoned state   suffering publics.
         control of private enter-            DILIP THAKORE  in the annual Education-  Design thinking-
         prises in China. For the                         World India School Rank-  led learning offers a
         next 30 years China’s GDP   Design-led           ings (EWISR).             user-centric model
         growth averaged 10 per-                             The authors are emi-   for whole school
         3.5 percent). Today China  education             nently qualified to explain   improvement
         cent per year (cf. India’s
                                                          design-led education. Sethi
         boasts the world’s second   primer               is an alumna of the pres-
         highest GDP ($18.5 tril-                         tigious National Institute   When they are compelled
         lion) and has transformed                        of Design; Gudipati is a   to wake up early, it not
         into the world’s manufac-     OUNDED BY          genetics and molecular bi-  only deprives them of sleep
         turing hub.                   Kiran Bir Sethi    ology graduate of the Tata   but also makes them tired
           Another communist  Fin 2001 and situ-          Institute of Fundamental   and anxious. As recounted
         country that success-    ated on the banks of the   Research, Mumbai and   in this book, Riverside
         fully practices intelligent   River Sabarmati offering   Cornell University (USA),   confronted this issue by
         capitalism is Vietnam    a direct view of Mahatma   and Bhandari, who devel-  sharing research with class
         which has quickly bounced   Gandhi’s Sabarmati   oped Riverside’s pedagogy   VIII students and involved
         backed from the devasta-  Ashram in Ahmedabad,   for science education, is   them in co-creating the
         tion visited upon it by   The Riverside School has   professor of cognitive, lin-  school’s timetable, thus
         the US during a long war   acquired a global reputa-  guistic and psychological   giving them a say in decid-
         (1965-74). Between 1989   tion for the application of   sciences at Brown Univer-  ing relaxed school timings.
         and 2016 it privatized   design thinking (defined   sity, USA.              In the end, a 9.30 a.m
         11,400 government enter-  as “a structured process to   These distinguished   start time-table was adopt-
         prises, steadily reduced   discover a solution based   authors provide live   ed through a democratic
         its fiscal deficit, invested   on insights from and about   examples of how River-  process with full aware-
         heavily in logistics and   the user”), to every facet   side School demystified   ness that while students
         education, and is poised to   of education. It covers the   design-oriented learning.   will benefit from a few
         emerge as the new miracle   entire practice of teaching   This approach requires five   additional hours of sleep,
         economy of East Asia,    — curriculum, timetable,   steps: empathise, define,   their after-school activities
         prophesies Sharma.       pedagogy, teacher train-  ideate, prototype, and   would be curtailed because
           Thankfully, Sharma also   ing, assessment, nutrition,   test. It also requires the   of late start.
         takes on the usual cop-out   extra-curricular activities,   cultivation of four “habits   Breaking down pro-
         argument that China and   parent-teacher meetings,   of mind” — (i) Be curious,   cesses in this manner
         Vietnam are communist    excursions, and commu-  start with empathy. (ii) Co-  is obviously more help-
         dictatorships, therefore   nity engagement.      create, negotiate. (iii) Start   ful than a lecture on the
         successful. In Europe he   This fresh approach   small, grow big. (iv) Show,   virtues of collaboration,
         identifies supra democratic   has transformed K-12   not tell.            because any educator
         Switzerland as a country   learning in Riverside into   The world over most   reading this book is likely
         which has practiced classic   a joyful and democratic   schools expect adolescents   to think about difficulties
         capitalism to emerge as the   process concomitantly   to be on campus at the   that could sabotage a lofty
         wealthiest nation world-  with improving learning   crack of dawn although   vision. Thankfully, the
         wide. Ditto democratic   outcomes. For over a de-  research indicates that the   book uses language that
         Taiwan in Asia.          cade, Riverside School has   release of melatonin and a   is friendly and compre-
           With What Went         been ranked among India’s   change in the circadian cy-  hensible to people without
         Wrong with Capitalism,   Top 10 international day   cle requires them to sleep   a background in design.
         Ruchir Sharma enhances   schools, and #1 in Gujarat   until later in the morning.   Learning from failure is

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