Page 122 - EW November 2024
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         part of design thinking,   in 2002, a year after the   shops on the ground floor.   “Kiran ma’am also does
         and Sethi has learnt well   Riverside School was pro-  It was located on a busy   this!” It brought home the
         from her experiences with   moted, Sethi was appalled   street with heavy road   realisation that students
         colleagues who felt intimi-  to learn that one of her   traffic. The neighbourhood   pay attention to how adults
         dated by the language of   students lived in a family   lacked parks and open   around them behave and
         design.                  that did not allow out-  areas. The student had   speak. This book counsels
           This book also reveals   door play. Assuming that   many opportunities to play   teachers/parents to be
         how the empathise-define-  the child’s parents were   indoors, but outdoor play   mindful of how they con-
         ideate-prototype-test    insensitive to the child’s   was prohibited for reasons   duct themselves because
         process was reimagined   needs, she called up the   of safety. This incident   children will emulate
         and articulated as the feel-  mother to talk about the   prompted the school to   them.
         imagine-do-share (FIDS)   importance and benefits of   adopt a policy whereby   Every Child Can ac-
         process to allay apprehen-  outdoor play. The parent   visiting the families of   knowledges that River-
         sion about lack of formal   could have chosen to get   students became a regular   side’s approach to educa-
         design training. It proved   defensive; instead, she   activity for Riverside   tion does not work for all
         critical for the school as it   invited Sethi to their house   teachers. It helped teach-  parents, which leads them
         prompted willing engage-  to understand why the   ers avoid drawing ill-in-  to switch schools. One
         ment of teachers, parents,   child was not allowed to   formed conclusions based   hopes that a future edi-
         students, administra-    play outdoors.          on subjective biases.    tion of the book will also
         tors and support staff in   Sethi was surprised to   It’s axiomatic that   have a section on how the
         adopting an innovative   witness the family home   schools are learning   school engages with these
         design-led approach to   oozing love and joy rather   habitats for all, including   parents’ anxieties, with a
         find solutions.          than the stifling environ-  adults. Sethi, for instance,   section on the costs of inte-
           One of the biggest     ment she had assumed.   was shocked when a parent   grating the design thinking
         takeaways from the book   The apartment block that   of a Riverside student told   process and how it affects
         is the humility that design   the eight-member fam-  her that her daughter justi-  school fees.
         thinking teaches. Back   ily lived in had dozens of   fied an outburst by saying,   CHINTAN GIRISH MODI

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