Page 53 - EW November 2024
P. 53

NB. Subsequently NTA suffered embarrassing glitches
                                                          while conducting national examinations written by thou-
                                                          sands of students clamouring for admission into the coun-
                                                          try’s  much-too-few  acceptable  quality  higher  education
                                                          institutions. In a cover story titled ‘Rectifying NTA exams
                                                          disaster’ (EW July 2024), your editors recommended com-
                                                          plete overhaul of NTA.

                                                          Higher Education Commission of India Bill.
                                                          On June 28, the Union Cabinet approved
                                                          a draft Higher Education Commission of
                                                          India (Repeal of UGC Act) Bill, 2018, and
                                                          posted it on the website of the Union HRD
         TSR Subramanian: inconvenient NEP draft          ministry  for  public  comment.  The  Bill
                                                          proposed replacement of the University Grants Commis-
         your editors.                                    sion (UGC, estb.1956), the country's apex higher education
           NB. The Subramanian Committee Report was shelved,   regulatory authority with a Higher Education Commission
         and another NEP Drafting Committee was constituted un-  of India (HECI), to improve the quality of academic instruc-
         der the chairmanship of former ISRO chairman Dr. K. Kas-  tion and maintenance of academic standards.
         turirangan in June 2017                          EW comment.  While EW welcomed disbandment of the
         Mission Million Memorial Libraries Project Launch.  On   Soviet-style over-arching command and control UGC, your
         November 7, the first children’s library under the Educa-  editors reported strong opposition from higher ed academ-
         tionWorld Foundation’s ‘Million Memorial Libraries Now’   ics and highlighted that the commission is likely to be domi-
         project was inaugurated at the Parikrma Centre for Learn-  nated by Central government bureaucrats and appointees.
         ing, Sahakarnagar, Bangalore, a free-of-charge K-12 school   Moreover, the Bill is silent on the issue of grants sanctioned
         established for underprivileged children from slum house-  and disbursed to the country’s higher education institutions
         holds. The first library under this project was established   (HEIs), an important function of UGC. “The Bill proposed
         following a donation of Rs.5 lakh contributed by your edi-  that the Union HRD ministry will directly fund Central and
         tors and Anil, Shyama and Bharati Thakore  in memory of   state universities arousing fears of erosion of autonomy of
         the late Malati & Vinoo Thakore. The expectation was that   HEIs,” wrote your editors, predicting that “it’s very unlikely
         this memorial library would serve as a model for India’s   that HECI will replace UGC in the near future” (Education
         large middle class (150 million households) to establish li-  News, EW August).
         braries in their neighbourhood and ancestral towns/villages   NB. The Higher Education Commission of India Bill is
         in memory of parents and loved ones.             yet to be tabled in Parliament.
         EW comment. Unfortunately, despite the Malati & Vinoo
         Thakore Memorial Library offering a model to establish   Kasturirangan Committee’s Draft NEP. The
         libraries for underprivileged children in under-resourced   Draft National Education Policy (NEP),
         schools, the ‘Million Memorial Libraries Now’ project has   authored by a nine-member committee
         proved a dismal failure — evidence of gratitude and ideal-  of academics chaired by eminent space
         ism deficit in middle class India.               scientist K. Kasturirangan, former chair-
                                                          man of ISRO (Indian Space Research Or-
                       National Testing Agency constituted.     ganisation), was released for public debate on May 30.
                       In  November  2017,  the  Union  Cabinet   The 484-page KR Committee Report proposed an over-
                       cleared establishment of a National Test-  haul and restructuring of Indian education from pre-prima-
                       ing Agency (NTA) to conduct all pan-In-  ry to Ph D. Among its major recommendations: integration
                       dia higher education admission entrance   of three years of foundational early childhood education into
                       tests. Initially NTA will conduct all en-  the school education continuum; shift from rote learning to
         trance exams currently being conducted by CBSE. Conduct   inquiry-based and experiential pedagogies in primary-sec-
         of other higher education entrance examinations will be   ondary education; integration of vocational education and
         assumed by NTA progressively.                    training into school and higher education; establishment of
         EW comment. EW welcomed the establishment of NTA as   State School Regulatory Authorities (SSRA) to monitor and
         its creation “will free CBSE, AICTE, IITs, IIMs and other   regulate school education and a National Higher Education
         agencies from examination and assessment duties thus al-  Regulatory Council (NHERC) for HEIs. In addition, the KR
         lowing them to focus on their core mandate of education   Committee recommended setting up several other commit-
         and research provision”.                         tees — HECI, GEC, NAC, HEGC, NTF — all to be chaired

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